"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break 2011 (Part 2)

So Wednesday morning we packed it up in St Louis.  Drew was NOT pleased, he wanted more time to swim at the hotel pool.  Jack loves a hotel room, so he was not happy and Tommy wanted to keep eating out.  They all begged and begged that we add on another night in St Louis.  Why would we go home SO early from Spring Break.  We told them it was time to go.  We stopped at the Monsanto offices and met a TON of people, and spent longer there than we had planned.  We were wanting to get on the road as we had something up our sleeves.  I have to give Scott the credit, he thought up the great scheme I just made it happen.  

They were not paying attention as we were driving.  We were headed a different direction than when we came...Tommy sort of asked if we were going a different way but didn't make a real big deal of it. 

watch this video to see their reaction to what they THOUGHT was a bathroom break.  Max is obviously ready for a car break.  Tommy is trying to figure out where we are...Jack is sound asleep.  Sorry it's not edited so you get a nice shot of my chest, my leg, scott's arm...I was trying to tape it without anyone noticing.  But start watching around 0:58.  

So here the boys give the grand tour of our room...:)  Notice the level of energy.  Scott was still unloading the car, they are ready to GO!

 Baby shark tries out the hotel remote...sorry it's a camera phone pic but you get the idea...

 And Jack wanted one in the cabin, again off the camera phone

Yep we put the baby down the waterslides, NEVER would have put Tommy down at this age, or Drew...maybe not even Jack...but Max...he's #4 and tough as nails.

And he LOVED it.  He went over and over and over again.  Sometimes he would flip onto his tummy and slide down.  Scott or I would catch him at the end.  What a riot to hear his giggle.

Jack liked the BIG water dump every 5 minutes...

A much needed ice cream break...

the big DUMPING of the pail of water

This was Max's first time in a pool and to say he liked it is an understatement.  And to see how curly his hair was in the 84 degree humidity...can't wait for summertime.

Daddy and Tommy were probably the BIGGEST water sliders.  They went time and time again down the biggest and scariest ones.

Max LOVED the kiddie pool

Oh and he loved the blue slide too.

Jack and I tried a few together too, so much fun.

St Patricks Day at Great Wolf Lodge they gave the boys green Leis (did I spell that right Mariah?)

What a blast we all had.  We were in the pool almost non stop for 5 hours one day and 7 the next.  Then it was time to head home, and this time we really meant it.  The boys were hoping we had one more stop up our sleeve but we didn't.  But it felt so good to get home. 

 Such blessed family time we had...

making some wonderful memories.


  1. Precious video.Love those fun surprises.They're my favorite!

  2. so very cute! Love the Great Wolf Lodge. #4 (or 3) has a much more exciting toddlerdom. :)

  3. Awwww...loved catching up! I can only hope we will get to do all those fun things soon! So sweet!

  4. I am just getting here. I loved the videos. I loved seeing max walk. I loved all the pictures.

  5. What a fun trip and awesome surprise!!:) Looks like y'all had a blast.

  6. Looks like so much fun! What a great trip. Cool spot. I've never seen anything like it!

    You definitely spelled Lei's correctly! :)

  7. What a great trip...little Max is adorable on the slides. It is pretty amazing how much more we are relaxed with the fourth child, isn't it?

  8. What a cute family! I love the picture of the four boys--all looking like they love each other! What a blessing!
