"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, March 11, 2011

Our sweet 14 month old baby

This is who I get to serve breakfast to every morning, sweet baby.  Bumps on his head, crazy morning hair, food on his face and those beautiful bright blue eyes from his Daddy.

Happy 14 mo old birthday sweet baby boy.

eating breakfast

Your latest...
-you love ice cream
-love balls
-LOVE your Daddy and cry when he leaves the room
-point to going outside and wanting to swing 20 times a day
- say BALL when you see basketball on TV
-walking most all of the time
-falling and bumping your head a lot of the time
-always chasing you to the stairs
-sleeping from 8:30-5:00 most nights
-still nursing :)
-2 naps a day, usually 25 minutes each unless you are being held or in the car (spoiled, yes)
-love a shopping cart
-so good about running errands
-mastered the sippy cup
-trying to copy your brothers at so many things
-giggle with such a belly laugh
- busy, busy boy
- friendly to most everyone
-love to go to the door when Daddy gets home and hug his legs
-want to "help" with everything
- babble loudly at times
-LOVE it when your brothers hop in the car after school
-snuggle with your Momma
-love the throw ANYTHING and everyTHING

Hanging out with Drew at Tommy's basketball tournament, eating snacks

walking around..

I can't resist those blue, blue eyes of his

showing off his sippy cup skills

bumps and bruises...on his poor head

Indoor recess with Jack on Wednesday, we were there taking pics for the yearbook.  He just sat with the 2nd graders watching their game for at least 20 minutes.  Jack was so sweet and kind to him.  Loved having his baby brother hanging out with him.  

You are such a precious gift to us sweet Max.  You are adored by us all.

love you


  1. Well, such a cute boy. But! Dang!! Did you see his shoes?
    :) xo

  2. Those cute shoes just happened to come from a very good friend of mine...:) thanks again. Love the hand me downs!

  3. I really, really, really love his sweet face. I just want to run my hands through his curls and kiss his cheeks.

  4. Love all of those teeth...and I really think that messy face pictures are the best! Such a handsome little one!

  5. Loved every part of this post, Susan. Every single bit of it.
