"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Teeth in Texas

After landing back in DSM late this morning...
happily in the stroller holding the Bag tag...sweet boy

Max and I are back from our less than 24 hour adventure to Austin Texas! Max cut his 4th tooth while there, it is in now completely. Way to go Max! :) He now has 2 top and 2 bottom teeth. Super cute.

We had a fun time while in Texas. Max did wonderfully on the plane, nursed and slept the first flight and on the 2nd flight we happened to be sitting by a fellow Buckeye. Max sat on Daddy's lap and they talked golf and Buckeyes the entire flight.

We met some friends of Scott's there for lunch, he and his wife just moved to Austin 6 weeks ago. We had a wonderful Mexican lunch, one of the best we have ever had.

Then we were off to meet up with Mariah and meet her kiddos and have her snap some photos of Max...and of me with Max and even some with Daddy when we could grab him off of his phone calls. I think we win the award for traveling the farthest ever for Mariah to photograph. First off, let me tell you how fun it was to meet her kids. I read about them on her blog almost daily, read about her Mom, the family dog Pono....so to see them all was a bit surreal. Her children are MORE beautiful in person. I got to hold her chubby little baby Cruz who is 2 months younger than Max...meet sweet Kai and watch Ryenne with her new toy from McDonalds. I feel like I know them but yet never have met them. It was fun to see Mariah and hug her in person after 5 years of not seeing her, she is always so gracious in giving me advice on how to take better pictures of my own, how to set my camera...she helps me edit photos when I cannot figure out how to make them look "cool". It's fun to get to reconnect with a friend...the first 20 minutes I think I was so shocked we were actually there with them. We met at her parents house which is acres of cool land, fun trees...and hot humid Texas weather. I haven't seen any of the photos yet but considering EVERY picture I ever see her post I am in LOVE with, I cannot imagine I wouldn't adore these. She got some fun ones of Max alone in a very cool chair. Some of Mommy loving on Max, and even some...tasteful and not revealing I assure you...but some cool ones of Max nursing while I was sitting under a tree. Capturing that sweet moment I don't ever want to forget. Then some fun ones of Max loving on his Daddy. Yummy...watching Scott love on our kids, well there is nothing more attractive to me than a Daddy who LOVES his wife and kids.

Then off to the hotel for some down time before we met the customers for dinner at a barn. A very cool, air conditioned barn that is a restaurant on the Gruene River. His customers couldn't have been more kind or more excited to meet Max. Max was Mr. Social at the dinner and enjoyed being passed around as well. He didn't get to have any of the AMAZING Guacamole there. It was the BEST I think I have ever had....Scott was speaking to them this morning as their Keynote speaker to end their meeting. Max and I ditched out at the crack of dawn to be sure to get home....Tommy's first football game is at 5:00. Scott will land, if all goes as planned at 4:10 and get there too.

I will post pictures when Mariah sends some...


  1. Glad you are back!!! Can not wait to see the pictures!!!

    Max looks grown up sitting in that stroller like a big kid. Slow down, time!

  2. :) I'm excited to see the pictures too.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about Tommy's game too.

  3. I can't believe how big Max looks sitting in the stroller. He reminded me of Jack! I'm glad you had a good time and now you have me hungry for some guacamole.

  4. Such sweet words! So glad you and Max tagged along on the trip. XOXO

  5. Is that really Max? Wow he's grown! Love reading your blog! Phil and Oliver are off to the Buckeye's game tomorrow with ponchos in tow (it's supposed to storm).
