"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, September 3, 2010

Football games and a baby brother

Just walking in the door from our first HOME Des Moines Christian Varsity football game. We had a tailgate before for Drew's grade. It was a fun night. Fall weather, finally for a couple of days. Yippeee...

Scott, Max and I sat down in the stands and we hadn't been sitting for more than 2 minutes when Tommy came down, he and Drew were high up in the bleachers with all of their buddies. And Tommy asked if he could take Max to sit with them...melt this Mommy's heart. That the super cool 13 year old wanted to take his baby brother to sit with him and his buddies at the game. He kept him with them for awhile, until we got a touchdown and everyone screamed and evidently Max didn't love that part, so he got to come back and sit with us. :)

Oh and another cute note to the day....as Scott and I were walking into the game, one of our friends told us "hey I am so proud of Tommy today. You should be too.", she works at the school, I asked her why? What happened? (I hadn't seen much of him since he came right to the game from his football with Scott and met us at the tailgate) She told us to ask him. I looked at Scott he hadn't heard anything from Tommy enroute there. So when we got into the game and Tommy came and found us, I asked "what happened at school today? Anything you want to share?" He looked at us with a confused look...then remembered "oh I was nominated to Student Council today" very nonchalant and ran off, with Max. Proud of you Tommy, for being a kind hearted kid and friendly to others. For loving your brothers too....

1 comment:

  1. I love the way he was nonchalant about it. It was so sweet of Tommy to take Max with him. Big brothers are the best! :)
