"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, September 11, 2010

8 month old baby boy

Max (taken by Mariah in Austin this week)

Max is 8 months old today! Where has the time gone? Happy 8 month birthday sweet baby.

Max now has 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. He loves to watch his brothers play, he loves it when his Daddy comes home and picks him up.
Playing Ball
He still loves Sophie the giraffe to play with best, anything crunchy, or an empty water bottle, or plastic cup. We recently got the little people farm out from the storage room and he LOVES that too. He loves to play roll the ball and catch now too. He laughs and laughs at that game. He has watched his first Buckeye game now too. He wasn't so sure of his brother's loud cheering!

Playing farm
He isn't crawling yet, but he is thinking about it. We are trying to put that off as long as possible. We sit him back up if he looks like he is going to get onto his knees. He wants to be able to sit up from laying down on his own, but hasn't quite mastered that either. He loves to jump in his exersaucer and Johnny jump up.

Max still prefers to sleep in our bed, he has been sleeping in his crib longer stretches this past week. He has been making it to 4:00 am the past 5 days so maybe a new streak. :) He loves to snuggle and nurse in our bed and sleep right next to his Momma.

Max, you bring us tremendous joy and you are such a reminder of the sweetness of babyhood. How quickly the time is going.... Your brothers adore you and you shine and sparkle when they walk in the room or hop in the car. You are such a precious and priceless gift, such an answered prayed we LOVE you sweet baby boy.


  1. I am so glad to hear that I am not the only Mommy that "breaks the rules". I loved having my kids sleep with me and you can bet that Mr. Hinckley is in our bed every night. His bassinet is next to my bed but I prefer having him right next to me...and he sleeps much longer too! Happy 8 months Max!

  2. Happy 8 months Max! Gracelyn loves Little People too. Come over and play! :)

  3. Happy 8 months baby boy!!! You and Cruz need to slow down on the growing...
