"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What was I thinking?

Yesterday I noted that it might take me a week or a little longer to get the house organized again after the summer with everyone home....WHAT WAS I THINKING?

After getting the lego's organized in the sunroom yesterday, aka Green Room. I got the ceramic tile moped and the boys school stuff from last year bundled for the basement storage room school boxes...hmm that was it. No laundry done, no closets cleaned, no paperwork filed, no weeds pulled, no storage room cleaned, no scrapbooking done, no computer stuff figured out, no groceries bought...

Let me restate this, it may take me the next 6 months to get the house back to organized...I think I had forgotten one very small detail when I was thinking a week or 2....and I mean small and very sweet. I somehow forgot that there is a little guy named Max that is my current sidekick. Love him to pieces, but he certainly doesn't want me cleaning and organizing my days away. And I am grateful for his sweet little smile as my reminder.


  1. Organizing and cleaning can most definatley wait. We all know how fast that little Max will grow up. And I know you would rather sit and love on him no matter how much that "to do" list will be calling to you. I so wish I was giving myself this same advice years ago...

  2. It's a shocker, isn't it? My house isn't nearly as clean and organized as I would like it, but I have come to realize that if I accomplish one or two things a day, and the remaining time has been spent strengthening my family bonds, then it is okay. (And yes, I am trying to convince myself that finger prints on the sliding door are my friend because I am quite sure one day I will miss when I had to clean the sliding glass doors three times a day!)

  3. I too have a LONG "To Do" list and got very little done on the kid's first day of school. It almost seems like I was more organized when they were at home. I have rethought my organization goals. I agree fully with getting organized in 6 months. I miss my kids.

  4. Yep, the organizing can take a little longer. Baby snuggles don't last forever!
