"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, August 20, 2010

Best news of the week

Dad had his follow up appointment today re: his prostate cancer. We weren't expecting any new information, this soon. We didn't expect his PSA number to really have changed a whole lot since it's only been 10 days since his final radiation....

BUT GUESS WHAT?? His numbers were drastically down. From somewhere around a 7 to .06. That means the radiation has worked and the cancer is ZAPPED! God did it! He zapped that cancer right out of here!

Best news of the week...so so very grateful to God for this miracle. We are going to pray that he remains cancer free forever! His next check up is in 6 months. I cried happy tears and tears AND more tears of joy when my Mom called!

Love you Dad...love you love you LOVE YOU! XOXO


  1. What a wonderful miracle! Praise God!

  2. I just check your blog randomly, so I didn't know your dad had cancer. Sorry for all the stress you have had thinking about his health and I am very happy for you (and the rest of your family) that he got good news today. I will pray for his continued good health.

  3. Great news! God is so good--will continue to pray that he remains cancer free. Got your message, I miss blogging too! Just haven't made time for it. Am going on a business trip this week--between a laptop full of pics and quiet nights in a hotel, hoping to catch up. Check back soon!
