"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Iowa State Fair 2010

The Iowa State Fair just concluded. I was able to get the computer to upload some pics, it decided to cooperate today.

Scott took each of the boys for their fair day with Dad, fair half days this year. They enjoy it so much, love the one on one time, and get to do the stuff they really love. They each have their favorite things to do. It helps that they do those trips, then when we go as a family we don't have nearly the long list of places to get to...since they have each already done them.

Jack's day consists of tractors, sprayers, cookies, baby animals and the slide
What Jack likes to do...

cookies on Jack's day

Drew's day consists of all animals, cookies, porkchops, RV's, giant slide and more animals

Tommy's Day consists of rides, more rides, cookies, lemonades, the giant slide and hanging out

We went as a family last Sunday as well, it was nice and not too hot the day we went. We always take the bus down from the Capitol. The boys ALL love that experience and we find it an easy place to park We ALWAYS eat the same stuff, every year. Super predictable. We eat the Warm Chocolate Chip cookies, a meal at the pork tent, AE milk, lemonade shake ups, hard boiled eggs...sometimes we venture down for a milkshake and once in awhile Tommy gets a funnel cake. But other than that, we stick to the basics.

First bus ride ever
the boys race

Max was either HERE...in the backpack

or HERE in the Peanut Shell

We take a picture HERE every year.

Tommy still followed along at Little Hands on the Farm

bus ride home


  1. Loved the pictures.

    Oh and thanks. Now I want those cookies. :)

    Ben and I took the bus last year when we went to the SCC concert. Totally nice when you don't have a stroller.

    I love the picture of you and Max sitting in the chair.

  2. So, how many cookies does Scott end up eating? Looks like you had fun! We always go the first Fri/Sat/Sun for fiddling events. Must have Bauder's ice cream shakes and multiple lemonades, sandwiches and melon at Beatties, Cowgirl Queen contest and baby animal building, sky glider and cultural center displays of art.

  3. i am laughing that cookies made everyone's list. good thing you won that giveaway :o) they are boys after my own heart.... can't pass up a good cookie.

    i miss the midwestern state fairs, not quite the same here... no cheese curds or quite the selection of fair food.
