"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, August 12, 2010

South Dakota Linebackers

There is a fun story behind this picture of my Dad with Chad Greenway and Ben Leber. They are all from South Dakota (including Dad) and both linebackers for the Vikings. Dad played linebacker in HS and then center in college. Chad Greenway has always been so nice to Dad, and is always especially nice when asked to meet and greet fans. IF you are looking for a guy to cheer for and follow I would suggest him. He is always more than kind to our boys, he is one of their top 2 favorite NFL players because of it.

Here is the story behind the photos and one of the bazillion reasons I adore my Dad. Scott has a customer from near Iowa City who has an adult son with a disability. Scott was talking with his customer last week and was reminded how this young man, Jeff, loves 3 things in life. His Grandpa, the Cubs and the Vikings. Just about that time the boys were headed the Vikings Training Camp with Grandpa for the day (yes I am behind on blogging will post that when I catch up)...Scott asked my Dad if there was any possible way to get the same sideline passes and player meet and greets for Jeff. Leave it up to Dad to get it all organized...he lined up everything and the Merschmans drove up to Mankato yesterday for the camp. This is the best part...here was Jeff's response to the day to his Dad..."Dad, this is paradise. This is the best day of my life."

Sydney Rice with Joe and his son Jeff

Dad with Jeff

Jared Allen and Jeff

Meeting Chad Greenway, Jeff's favorite since he played for Iowa too.

Chad and Jeff

Worth every second of effort on Dad's part. Thanks Dad for being the kind of guy that LOVES to give, help and care for others. You are one in a trillion. Love YOU! Love helping others, wish I could have been there to watch it all in person. There is NOTHING that feels better than to give to others!


  1. tears in my eyes. i loved this post. :)

  2. What a great story! Thanks for sharing. Being huge Vikings fans, it is always nice to see such a compassionate side to the players.

  3. I don't know your dad, but I love him, and love that Scott was so thoughtful to arrange this day...great story of compassion and service to others.

  4. tears, just like EVERY time I watch Rudy. Your dad is priceless!

  5. What a wonderful story. It truly is a blessing when you serve others and I am quite sure that this young man will remember this opportunity for the rest of his life. It is so inspirational to see how our Savior Jesus Christ's example is put into action by others.
