"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Max is getting his top two teeth. One poked through in the night..the other will be soon to follow. Wish he would quit growing up...


  1. They grow WAAAY too fast, I agree. Stop it Max! Stay little for your mom just a while more...

  2. I saw Scott and your precious Max at the grocery store and I wish I had taken a picture of him for your blog!!! He was adorable sitting in the cart - just sitting up, happy as a clam! I almost expected him to be reading a list to Scott as he pushed him along... he looked so content! I KNOW you KNOW this but you are one blessed little lady! :-)

  3. I know! John got his 2 bottom teeth in a matter of 24 hours of eachother...sigh..they are getting so big so quick!
