"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, August 16, 2010

Guess what Dad?

Tommy started Des Moines Christian 7th grade football practice last week...he is really liking it. Of course, they aren't wearing pads yet...but the fact that it was 110 each day of practice last week and he still loved it was a positive thing. He was "trying out" for the Quarterback position. He has never played tackle football, only flag, but has always loved to play QB. Today as I waited for him to come to the car from practice I saw the coach put his hands on both of Tommy's shoulders and talk with him...I could see Tommy nodding. I had NO idea what the conversation was....

Tommy ran to the car and literally with tears in his eyes, but not crying, he climbed in. I asked him what the coach was talking to him about, I assumed he had been hurt at practice and the coach was telling him to toughen up, to stick it out...he looked over at me and said in the proudest voice "Mom, I got the job. I am the starting Quarterback. And the coach even said I might get a shot to play a little on the 8th grade team"...he was SO excited. It was precious. He then wanted to call his Dad, so he did and the second he heard Scott's voice he started BAWLING...poor Scott I think he thought he had been hurt. And he told his Daddy "Guess what Dad? I am going to be the quarterback"

Precious moments...then he had to call his Poppy. Poppy is one of the biggest football fans we know. He was excited to tell him too.

Practice with pads starts on Wednesday...hope he still loves football then.


  1. Oh my word, I'm crying! Did you cry? Did Scott? Is Scott a crier like you? Oh how exciting. Let me know how YOU feel about tackle football the first time Tommy is sacked. Yikers.

  2. So exciting, congrats to Tommy. We are starting tackle football this year as well, Oliver is the one playing. I am still worried. :)

  3. Congratulations to Tommy!!! He is an excellent athlete and I am sure he will do well.

  4. I have the biggest lump in my throat and can just feel the excitement he must feel!
