"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Team Grandpa"

"Team Grandpa"

Max and I headed to Edina on Thursday, so that we would be there for my Dad's Doctor Appointment on Friday where we would learn more about the possibility and plan to get rid of the prostate cancer YUCK! Max had on his new "Team Grandpa" tee shirt I found...and Jack saw it before he went to school and said to me "Yes Mom, we are on TEAM GRANDPA not TEAM CANCER!" I couldn't have said it better myself Jack.

Dad, Max and I headed to the Mall of America Thursday night. Stopped at one of Jack's favorite spots...the LEGO store!

We had a great appointment with his Doctor, who was also our neighbor growing up. Dad has decided to do a course of radiation versus surgery as his treatment. He got a hormone shot which basically shrinks the gland and makes the cancer freeze in its tracks. They will start the radiation after that takes full affect, sometime in the next 3 months. 5 days a week for 7 weeks. We pray this will knock the cancer out and it will NEVER be seen AGAIN! It was a good appointment and I think we all felt at ease knowing Dad was starting to be proactive to get rid of this JUNK. Mike was there too, so it was special in an odd sort of way, to have it be my parents and us (Max too of course) sitting there supporting Dad.

We were able to sneak out for breakfast together afterwards, I cannot remember the last time we all ate a meal without kids around. Max was there, but a pretty quiet little guy.

After breakfast, we snuck over to my dear friend Shelley's house after to introduce Max to her and my good friend Leanne, both EHS friends. It was a wonderful hour with them, we laughed HARD and cried both tears of joy and sadness. I could have sat with them all day...what a blessing it is to have such true friends. Over 24 years we have been friends, eegads that does make us sound old Leanne.

Leanne and Max

Shelley and Max

Max and I headed back to Iowa to get here in time for dinner with the boys and my brother Mike's arrival with his 2 kiddos for the weekend, Charlie and Alice...more details on that later.

Thanks for the prayers for my Dad and please continue to pray for healing from the cancer. It's a word I wish did not exist.


  1. Susan, we'll add your father to our prayer list:) Here's to wishing him a successful treatment and a full recovery! Glad you were able to enjoy a little down time with him too last weekend!

  2. I'll be praying for you dad. We went through the same thing with Rob's dad. All went great regarding the cancer. Leanne and Shelley look fantastic!

  3. Praying, Susan. So thankful you & Max were able to go to be with your dad. The "team grandpa" shirt is perfect.

  4. Team Grandpa will always win!!:) I agree with you, Susan....so wish that "c" word didn't exist. I will keep your dad and your family in my prayers.

    How fun is the Lego Store??? My kids were mesmerized by that place when we were there.:)

  5. i am sorry to hear about your dad....i did not know! my prayers are with him, if he is anything like you...he is a strong man who will fight like heck to win this battle! my love to max....we need to do lunch and get the birthday boys together!
