"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, May 17, 2010

Big Step

After reading through these posts today and yesterday and the prayer and devotion in them...and also with some recent convictions of my heart I have officially taken a LONG break from facebook. I know you may be laughing at that...like it's some BIG joke but it's really not. I find myself checking it on my phone 25 times a day, not kidding. It's so easy on there to just click it. And for those of you who know me well know I LOVE photos and I LOVE to know what's going on...so facebook is PERFECTLY designed for people JUST LIKE ME! But it's also addicting for people JUST LIKE ME!

I have been considering taking a break for awhile now...but after Mother's day and the very sweet gift from Drew he made in the "interests" portion he listed facebook as one of my interests. Yes, on one hand he is right and on the other hand it kind of made me sad. Wouldn't want him to know that though. But I just don't want the boys growing up thinking facebook is somehow more important than my time with them. I don't want it to distract me from listening to them and focusing on them. It was becoming too much.

I told Tommy after school that I was going to stop facebook tonight...he said "No WAY! Seriously MOM?" and smiled from ear to ear. It was another mixed emotion for me. He was happy it seemed to hear I was done with it but he was also shocked I would give it up...like he thought it was THAT important in my life. *sigh*

You know when you check it on your phone within 20 minutes of waking up, it's gotten to be too much. When you could be spending that time praying...it's too much. So thank you to my friend Makila, for being willing to change my password and hold me accountable to not getting it back....until I revisit the possibility after summer has gone. I think I will miss it for a few days...but then probably not so much. It's funny I listed on facebook for my "friends" to email me if they wanted to follow our family blog...and you know what...only about 15 of my 600 "friends" have asked to follow this. I got a lot of nice well wishes...but in reality not THAT many of my "friends" on there truly want to follow our life. That's okay with me, but it's a good wake up call that facebook isn't critical in my life. :)


  1. good for you!! the first days will be hard because it is such a habit but then it is easy. when i gave it up for lent i found it so freeing. i am considering giving it up again or even deactivating my account. i have mixed feelings about it thought...i love it for keeping up with people but it is also a huge distraction. i am surprised/disappointed in myself for how easily i fell back into some bad habits. i am proud of you... you will do great. i love following your family on the blog so i am glad you are keeping up with it!

    btw- when i gave up facebook morgan had the same reaction as tommy :o)

  2. Your observation that only 15 of your 600 "friends" wanted to follow your blog is a real eye opener. I discovered that certain people will only be in your life when it is convenient for them. I would get caught up in worrying about what "those" people thought about me, when in fact they weren't even thinking about me. I made a decision to put my love and energy into the people who truly care about me. The ones who love me just like I am. Your decision to take a break from fb is the absolute right one.

  3. I greatly admire what you are doing, Susan. It does help put the most important parts of our lives in perspective when you talk about it that way. Thanks for sharing your journey away from Facebook with us. I think I should join you....may just do that very soon.:) Hope you enjoy your day today with your boys.:)

  4. Susan,
    You are such a good mom - you inspire me!! i need to learn how to blog like you do - i will have to have you tutor me!!
    looking forward to seeing you at the pool this summer!! Want to try to do lunch before school is out? we are done 6/4 - let me know!

  5. This is GREAT news - there's so much in this world that takes us away from what really matters. We all have them in some form or another - my things I have to "do" that day can distract me too easily. Summer resolution for all us moms - listen to our babies and bask in the joy of life's simple pleasures!!
