"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Day Jack Danced

Most of you know that I teach in our church's Hand in Hand classroom, or Special Needs Sunday School.  It is one of my favorite things to do and I look forward to it each and every time.  My love for Jesus and children with Special needs all coming together.  It's near perfection.

Often times Drew and Jack will come and help, and hang out with the kids in there.  Tommy once in awhile, and Max whenever I let him stay.

One sunday a couple of weeks ago we were serving.  The night before had been respite night, a night where parents get a break and our church cares for their children.  We had helped at that on Saturday and it had been requested that we bring the Annie soundtrack.  My friend Amara LOVES Annie almost as much as I do.  So I had promised to bring it...

What I didn't expect to happen that morning did....

We had been listening to Annie after our bible lesson while we were doing crafts and just chatting.  Amara looked at Jack and told him "I want to dance"....Jack didn't miss a beat.  He stood up and pulled her back from the table and proceeded to push her round and around the room.  Spinning, going fast...then when the next song came on it was slow...she told him it was a ballet song...he then pushed her slowly.  I watched as she raised her arms as if she was doing a pirouette around and around they went.

These are the things in life that matter as a Mom.  We had conferences yesterday and yes I am so grateful our boys are good students, that they are smart, that they are respectful of their teachers but THIS stuff...this is the stuff that will make them into Godly men.  Men with compassion and love.  Men who adore their wives and care for their children.  These are the moments that really matter.


  1. Love this! Susan...you and your boys are such a blessing to our families! Your boys make me smile every Sunday I see them!

  2. So thankful for the gifts God gave you and for the way you use them...and pass them on to your boys. ♥
