"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Just My Baby and Me

These photos will never win any awards for quality but they will forever remind me of these days.  These are days I don't ever want to forget.  I didn't have an iPhone with my other littles so I couldn't capture these kinds of moments.  But these make me teary as I look through them.  This is my JOB...this is what I LOVE...I LOVE being a Mom.  I will forever be grateful that I have been home to hold my boys when they have needed it, to snuggle when requested, to make cookies when their friends come over, to be able to go to their Dr appointments with them, to be their room moms, to make play doh for preschool, to run lunches to school, to wash their clothes, to make their beds, to be here when the school nurse calls...these boys of ours are the things in my life I am the most proud of....I LOVE that I haven't missed these moments.  

  I am SO grateful to be married to a man that has seen the importance in this for our family.  Who continually tells me I have the hardest and most important job in our family.  That I am where I need to be....he appreciates it all.  He never complains when the house isn't picked up, there are loads of laundry to help fold, the meal may not be made, the fridge is nearing empty.  Nope never once in 20 years has he complained to me about ANY of that.  He never comes home and asks why I am sitting on the sofa snuggling a child when there is no dinner in the oven....nope he gets it.  He really gets it.  I tell you it matters who you marry.  

 I was blessed to grow up in a home where my Dad felt the very same way.  He always gave my Mom the credit for everything.  He never once complained about the house, meals, laundry...nope.  It is what I know.  It is something I knew I wanted in a husband from the time I was very young.  I am so blessed to have a marriage like this...