"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, March 3, 2014

What's Going On...

It has almost been another week gone by…I fully intend to stay up to date on this blog but time keeps getting away from me.  Time could be getting away from me for one of these reasons….

1.  I am on a mission of cleaning out and simplifying our home.  I have started to read the book "7" by Jen Hatmaker which is a book I have been scared to read for the past year, about letting go.   It's about the excess in our world, clothes, media, food, waste…etc.  Yikes.   And I have a feeling it is going to be pretty convicting.  I also know that God has put it in my face multiple times this past 2 weeks for a reason, so no more running away from it.  I start a bible study with a small group of Mom's on Thursday with the book.  egaads you can pray for me.  I know God is working.

2.  I actually am trying on clothes in my closet as I clean it this time, it's taking forever and I am not done yet.  That shows you how many clothes I have.  For some reason I think I still like ALL of my clothes.  And despite the fact that many don't fit…I am trying them on.  And those that I wouldn't buy if I were in a store today…are going.  And it's funny some I have tried on I don't like at all…and haven't worn some for 10 years.  I pride myself in going through my closet often, I don't know how they slipped by me but many many have.

 my closet floor

3.  I am also on a mission to keep toys out of our family room.  I want a room where we can sit and not look at toys, we have a playroom/sunroom off of the kitchen so I don't think that is asking too much.  It really only affects Max.

4.  I have been busy updating my photography website.  I have many photos on the desktop of my computer that need to be filed, or blogged about or burned to a DVD that I just haven't done.  So I am cleaning that off hence why I am at my desk right now.  And if you want to check out the latest on the website it's www.twiganddaisyphotography.com

5.  Science Fair was last week at school…Jack did such a great job on his project detailing Bullet Combustion.  It was fun to watch him really enjoy learning and creating his project.  I was able to be in his classroom on both Thursday and Friday for lunch during last week as the fair takes up the lunch room..that way his teacher got away for a little while.  It was fun to get to be a "teacher" for 35 minutes both of those days.  Max is always a popular visitor as well.

6.  Drew has been waiting and waiting for the Bass Pro Shop Fishing sale and it started on Friday…So we went on Saturday morning and he was able to get everything he needed for his upcoming trip to Canada this June.  He is so into it...

7.  Tommy came home with a sore neck from school on Thursday.  Friday he woke up miserable so off to the walk in clinic we went.  Left with muscle relaxers, a Dr's note not to work, and direction to rest and put heat on it off and on all weekend.  Needless to say Tommy laid around a lot, took some naps…maybe even some with his baby brother.

8.  As you can see it has been a busy week…and one that has been hard on my anxiety for more reasons than these.  Being a Mom is hard.  Being a wife is hard.  Raising respectful, God fearing, brother loving boys is NOT easy and some weeks are harder than others.  Following through and being consistent as a parent is H-A-R-D.  There may have been more than one teary phone call from my phone to my parents….
Every day is a new start, a new day and I have to often remind myself of that.  But the truth that was sang at church yesterday morning hit me hard.  These words hit HOME….and if I believe this, then why the worry?  Why so much anxiety over the day to day?

And my morning started with these words from Max….


  1. It's all worth it. The long days and hard nights are worth it. And I know you know this.

    Also. I didn't find 7 to be convicting in a bad way...as in sell all your stuff and live in a one room house. :)
