"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Letter to a Younger Me….

I have been doing a lot of reflecting these past 2 months…and I have come to the following conclusion for now.  And in another 10 years I can probably write another letter to my 42 year old me.  But for now here it goes….I pray our boys will read this when they are in their early 20's and take some of my advice.

March 24, 2014

A Letter to a Younger 24 Year Old Me,

You are beautiful just the way you are, you are not fat, you do not need to workout every day.  You are perfect just the way God made you.

You don't need to go to the tanning booth 3 times a week, learn what color your skin naturally is and protect it.

Please don't wear baggy tee shirts, they look terrible on your cute body.  You don't need shoulder pads in every shirt you wear, they make you look like a football player.    And please don't wear Doc Marten black combat shoes, they don't go well with your Laura Ashley style.

Speaking of style. Less is more.  Less color, less pattern, less busy hair bows.  Continue not to wear a lot of make up, your Mom and Dad are right you really don't need it.

You don't need a brand new car.  Buy a used one, with low miles.  You will save a lot of money.

Scott cannot read your mind.  You need to tell him what you need, what you are upset about and what your dreams are.  Let him in.  Don't "think" he knows what you want.

You grew up in a bubble of Edina, MN.  Be grateful but also be cautious.  Not everyone goes away to the beach for Spring break.  Not everyone buys new clothes for school.  Not everyone buys spring break clothes.  Not everyone gets to buy whatever they want all the time.  It's okay to wear your clothes more than one season.  It's okay to have someone tell you no.

Back off the hunter green.  It will get old and you will grow tire of it.

Pay attention to what your Grandparents say, someday you won't remember it all and wish you could.  Video tape them talking, someday you will want to hear their voices again.

Keep the notes and letters your parents write to you.  Don't take it for granted that they praise you ALL the time, appreciate it and don't roll your eyes when they tell you how special you are and how loved you are.  Remember to do the same for your kids someday.

Save your money.  You will wish you had spent less when you are older.

Buy a house that is manageable in taking care of, and don't feel every time you move you need something bigger.  Someday it will be a LOT of work.

Enjoy the quietness of no children.  Don't wish those years away wanting to be a Mom.  Enjoy them.  Enjoy the time with your husband when you are first married, the spontaneity that goes along with it.  The simple meals, the errands together…walking through furniture stores and dreaming.  Enjoy dinners by the tv, and nothing on the calendar for weeks at a time.

Don't sleep in on Saturdays.  You are missing a beautiful part of the day and time with your husband.  Go for more walks, and talk.

Buy less stuff.  You have to manage the stuff, you don't need all of it.  Don't have so many collections, give more to others.  Save more for your future. Start college funds before you have kids.

Be grateful for your health, your body, your strength…your eyes, your smile…don't compare them to others all of the time.  Like what you see.

Call your parents as much as you want, you can never call them too often. You will never tire of hearing their voices.

Be grateful for your husbands family, they are not going to be like yours….but without them you would not have your husband the way he is.  Appreciate the differences. Learn how to love your husband more from them.

Enjoy the seasons and the change in them. Don't blink so often.  Take time to enjoy.

Write down more of your prayers and your answers to prayer.  Someday you will want to look back and see where God has taken you.  Keep track.

Write a letter every week to someone, to your Mom, your Dad, your Grandmas….it matters.

Enjoy fishing with your brother, you won't always have time alone together.  Enjoy the stillness of those moments.

Spend more time getting to know God, someday your quiet time will be limited.  Enjoy the hours you have when you have them.

Take more time to bless others.  Go serve others more.  Teach Sunday School before you have children of your own, make a meal for a friend for no reason, serve the homeless.  Don't wait until you are older to see the joy in these things.

Take a deep breath at the end of the wedding aisle…squeeze your Dad's arm a little bit longer, lock eyes with your Mom at the end of the aisle and look around at all of those there to love, pray and support you.  Soak that day in more.  Look into the eyes of your husband as you say your vows…don't be so nervous.  You will want to remember every moment of this day.

Plant a garden, learn to sew, go back to school to be an OB nurse if you really want to, don't be so scared, trust God more, love harder, love deeper, accept more….appreciate more, worry less,

God will be with you every step of the way,

with love,

A 42 year old me


  1. I"m totally in tears - this is beautiful! Filled with so much heart and truth. Such a blessing to read!!
