"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Piles + Buried = Grateful Heart

So I am buried in piles currently…but at the same time I find myself so grateful today.

-DESK PILE: sorting through files in my desk.  Paper work is a night mare.  I am tired of my desk always being consumed by paper and piles.  But as I sort through them, I am grateful.  Some are Dr's bills…we have medical care, our children are healthy.  Some are credit card bills, okay I am not so grateful on these but praying for specific changes in my heart re: "stuff".  Some are bible camp registrations, some are fishing receipts, some are school forms. These all represent our boys, I am a Mom, I always wanted to be a Mom.  I played house more than any child.  I have been given the blessing of carrying babies, and of being their Mom.

-LAUNDRY PILE: So grateful for 2 washers and 2 dryers.  Days like these when I am home I am so grateful to be able to get so much laundry done at once.  I am grateful for modern appliances such as those.  I know it wasn't THAT long ago in history laundry was so much more of a chore.

-CLOSET PILE:  Yes, I am still NOT done cleaning my closet.  I have done about 80% but still have a huge pile to try on and determine if I am keeping it or donating it.  What a luxury really?  Choosing to decide what to keep?  Choosing my own clothes, not having to rely on others for my clothes.  Such a luxury people.

-DISHES PILE: The dishwasher just beeped, I need to let it cool and empty it.  Grateful for the dishes we have, for the luxury of food that dirties those dishes.

-4 YEAR OLD PILE:  Someone literally just climbed up into my lap.  He has been playing with legos at my feet.  But needed a snuggle.  So grateful to be home with him.

-TOY PILE:  Too many toys, so many memories for me tied up in toys.  Just today Drew found an old Buckeye cup I had sorted into the "save" pile  Drew responded quickly "I LOVED that cup Mom, I remember that.  Don't get rid of it" I wasn't planning on it, but it was sweet to see he had good memories of it too.  Coincidentally it was sitting next to an old cup that was at my Grandma Lu's house when I was little the "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cup, which I have saved as well.  Blessed to have wonderful childhood memories.  I don't take that for granted.  I know not all children do, I pray ours do.  I pray they forget about my crabby moments.

So today while I feel buried with so much going on and so much to do, my heart is full. 

1 comment:

  1. My grandma always had glass cups with smurfs on it and we always fought over who got to use them. They were cups that came with meals at Burger King or somewhere similar long, long ago.
