"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy Hunter Boy

Monday our friend Marc mentioned to me he was going to look into Hunter's Safety Class for his son Josh and for Jack. They are buddies. (Marc is married to our beloved Mrs. Ruth who Max spends every Tuesday with and sometimes Monday mornings).

Long story short he texted me in the afternoon there were 2 options. 

1.  August 2014
2. This week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Sometimes last minute stuff works out better than long term planning. I was so appreciative that Marc did all of the leg work and was willing to do all of the driving too. Thank you Marc as Scott has been in St Louis all week. 

He came home tonight with his certificate. He had Josh take this picture for me with his instructor. (The boy knows his mama). And asked if we could frame the certificate. He passed the test 100 %. He told me he was the only kid that got a perfect score. 

Not surprised about that...he is passionate about it. 

Here's the cute picture.