"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Very Own Bookclub Update

I can cross another off my list..."The 5 Conversations to have with your Son" by Vicki Courtney

A must read for any of you raising boys.  So much I could relate too, and grateful so many of the conversations we have already started in our house.  I have always felt like I wanted to be in the loop of all of the "tough" conversations with our boys too, not just Scott.  I never wanted to send them away to have "the talk" while I missed being a part of it.  I think that comes from having an entire house of boys, not just one son but ALL sons....I want us to be open and I want conversations to be comfortable.  So far, so good. Both Tommy and Drew have come to me many times with lots of questions, some more shocking than others, but I am grateful that we get to be the ones to tell them the answers, not some other teenage boy on recess.

Don't skip any of the book, there was stuff in there I learned about how boys' and mens' brains are wired and how pathways are made in their brains. I have read books about it, and yes am married to a MAN, but it was the way she worded it and reminded me of the importance that hit me.   I have always KNOWN how important it is we do our best to keep their minds pure and their hearts guarded, but this cemented it in my brain even more.  How that affects their marriages and their wives BLEW me away, I guess I was naive to those things in some ways.  I was blessed to have purity be a BIG thing to me at a young age so I never thought much about how this affects others.    I also didn't realize, and Mom close your eyes here, that when you have sex with someone, you emit the same hormone that a nursing Mom does to her baby.  Therefore it bonds you with that person.  And despite what people think, as careless as they may feel it was...there is always a bond left.  Now THAT is something to really think about, and I can't wait to share that detail with Tommy and Drew the next time we talk about the topic.

Also in her book she refers to Pam Stenzl who has a book out called "Sex has a Pricetag", she is also a world known speaker.  She comes to our boys' school every third year to talk about Purity.  And man can she SCARE those kids, in a good way.  She is also from Minnesota and interestingly enough she is a product of rape, so her story of abstinence hits her right in the heart.  I had heard her CD years ago and actually had my niece Ariana, listen to it....just to be sure she had heard it too.  But I highly recommend her book and her CD.

And no the book isn't entirely on sex....there are great parts about just being a Mom.  About not overprotecting our sons, about allowing them to be men.  About allowing them time with their Dad and not being a "helicopter Mom".  She just has example after example of how to raise Godly young men...I loved her book.  And if you have daughters, she has a book for you too.  I love Vicki Courtney's blog as well, she always has great insights into the here and now of raising kids and is always humble.  Love that about her too.  


  1. i;ve had the book since june but haven't finished it yet. i loved her five conversations you must have with your daughter and i know i will love this one too. she is amazing! morgan and i went to her you and your girl simulcast last spring. it was awesome. so thankful for her insights and wisdom.

  2. i loved this book, too! The part about "letting them be men" really hit me because i tend to be overprotective of Luke - it hit me in just the right spot.

  3. I'll need to add it to my reading list!

  4. I just put this book on reserve at our library. Thanks for the recommendation!
