"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Some math....(and I don't even LIKE math but I like this)

4 pie crusts plus
3 pies plus
2 lasagna dishes plus
2 batches of applesauce plus
6 apple dumplings plus
4 batches of cookies plus
a laundry basket of ironing complete 
= a very happy and grateful daughter-in-law

Scott's parents came last Thursday and left on Monday afternoon.  While they were here Scott's Mom did all of the above.  No rest for her.  I am SO grateful for all of her hard work, and for the yummies in the freezer awaiting our family.

When they came on Thursday I was down with the stomach flu.  Bummer huh? Luckily I did have the house picked up and the laundry mostly done by the time I got sick.  Just hadn't quite done the grocery shopping yet, but it got done thanks to my beloved. 

Saturday we watched Jack play his first flag football game of the season.  He scored a Touchdown which was very fun!  Here are some pictures that show his serious excitement!  Love the one where he is high-fiving his coach, our friend Ben Lors!

We all watched the Buckeye game on Saturday night, bummer they didn't win, but it was fun to watch regardless.  Cute to see the boys and Grandma Shisler all decked out in their gear.  

Sunday, in the night, Tommy came down with the stomach flu, so we laid pretty low on Sunday.  Everyone went to watch Drew's football game but Tommy, Max and I.

Max stayed pretty close to Grandpa Shisler, he is most definitely a man's man of a little guy.  It's cute.

And Monday, they left..with a little drama with oversold airlines and more time at home with them.  

It was nice they came to visit, the boys ALWAYS love extra fans in their stands.  


  1. Watching Jack score the touchdown was so so fun. I was totally jumping up and down as he ran down the field. :)

  2. I will be over for pie and lasagna soon. Ltm.

  3. Fun football and wonderful mother-in-law!!:) Glad y'all are feeling better.
