"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jack's Ohio Weekend

Jack and Scott went to Ohio 2 weeks ago, I am just getting around to blogging today and I need to apoligize for the photos we OBVIOUSLY have a fingerprint in the center of our little camera's lens.  Bummer I know, but pictures with blurry centers are better than NO pictures at all I think.  

Here is their trip in photos...

 First stop to Cane's Restaurant, a new add for the Buckeye weekends.  Drew discovered this place last year and Jack just HAD to try it out. It's a chicken strip place.  Amazing so they tell me.  

 A visit to The Ohio State University's new Student Union...pretty cool I hear.

Some trampoline time for Jack and our good friend Stuart Townsley.  (Scott and Jack stayed at our friends the Townsleys house...a first for Jack, he usually opts for the hotel...Mike and Scott were best friends in college.  Stuart is their youngest.  The older two, John and Jackie, were in our wedding, Stuart was in his Mama's tummy at our wedding)

 Pre gane tailgating with a sign Drew sent along

Some more tailgating

 Look who they found before the game...BRUTUS

 Proud proud Daddy and Jack.  Highlight of the year for BOTH of them

 Close up of the sign

 A stop at the "Wayne County Fair" after the game enroute to the farm.  This is Scott's home county fair that he has never missed, that I know of.  Grandpa won some ribbons for his corn even.

 After church on Sunday they opted for lunch at the local Dalton Dariette.  A family favorite, Aunt Kathy, Grandma and Grandpa Shisler all joined them.

 Jack took some pictures of Grandpa Shisler's garden...beautiful huh?

 Jack and Grandpa Shisler checking it all out...

They had a fun weekend.  It was busy, but filled with memories!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had a blast. Special memories for sure.:)
