"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Whew...School's OUT for Summer

Unloading pictures off both cameras tonight....
to catch you up on the week since Tuesday.
Drew took a cookie cake to class on Wednesday to celebrate his birthday.  He will be 12, GULP, yes 12 years old next Friday.  

Drew and his beloved teacher, Mrs. Keithley.  Tommy had Mrs. Keithley as well.  We adore her, she is at the TOP of the list of favorite teachers for both of the boys.  Please pray for her, they found cancer was back in her body after 12 years of remission.  She found out last Friday, still waiting on the details of treatments and exactly what she will be fighting.  Pray for her.

 This morning was the last day of school, we had to pose for pictures, OF course.  Wow look how much they have grown since the fall.    Jack especially has grown up so much.  

And then I made them asked them to climb the sign, we did this a couple of years ago.  I didn't get one this fall because we had a very nervous 7th grader who wasn't excited about photos on the first day of school.  

And we posed with the lion, Jack's request

And one with the elem principal, Mr. Lambert who will be leaving DMC and heading to Minnesota for a new job this summer.  

Scott and Max went to Jack's end of the year party today.  This was Jack and his friend Wesley.

 Jack and Mrs. Zonnefeld, who he loved as a teacher.

...and while they were at the party I was home manning the 7th grade party.  The kids had lots of fun and we had a great turnout.  As you can see, the boys hung out...and the girls hung out.  Not a lot of chatter between the 2 but I did manage to get them all into one photo.  I am guessing this will change in the upcoming years.  :)

And so another school year is in the books, literally.  We are on to 3rd grade, 6th grade and 8th grade.  Oh my!  Growing up so fast.  We are headed to Ohio tomorrow for a long weekend of visiting Grandma and Grandpa Shisler on the farm.  Be back next week.  And then...we will let the summer BEGIN!


  1. I feel like I was *just* looking at the 1st day of school pictures of your boys...not really sure where the year went!

    Love all the pics...especially the party update. Good job, mom!

  2. I laughed when I saw the boys on one side,the girls on the other. I for sure wasnt boy crazy in 7th grade. Um, yeah. Something like that. Ahem.

    The picture from the beginning of the year to the end of the year is so different. Sigh.
