"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is it June yet?

As much as I want to treasure and appreciate every day...and the every day little things the reality is this...I want it to be June.  May is by far the busiest month of the year for our family.

 Between school concerts, field trips, baseball games, baseball practices, baseball concession stand duty, basketball work outs, end of the year projects, more baseball, end of the year finals, recitals, did I mention concerts and programs?....everything is just NUTS around here.  Did I mention baseball tournaments on weekends?  Hmm may have left those out.   And on top of that it's the time of year to plant flowers, mulch the beds, pull weeds, transplant perennials....all stuff that I enjoy but it just is SO busy.  The laundry pile is NEVER ending due mainly to baseball and just plain sweaty boys.

 This is the time of year I wish for summer.  I wish for less routine, and less school stuff.  Less drama with school stuff...just a clearer plate.  Days where we may still have a camp, or a swim lesson...but that is about IT for the entire day.  Days where we can sit down and eat dinner together.  Where I am not rushing out the door at 8 am not to return until lunch...days where I can shower before 10 pm.

And did I mention, I decided last week it was time to kick back into regular workouts and diet away these last 30 lbs I have been holding onto for too long. (10 left to get to pre-Max weight and 20 from where I feel the best) Yep so now add into May getting Max and I to workout after drop off at school.  That is so good for me, but takes up time where I could be doing stuff at home.  (down 4 lbs in week 1, wish every week was 4 lbs but I know it won't be...after all this is LIFE, not the Biggest Loser)

And of course then there are the end of the year shows and seasons I have to keep up with on TiVo after the boys go to bed.  So I fall asleep on the couch.  Why would I want to miss the end of Dancing with the Stars?  I am totally hooked on Oprah's last 25 shows, and then her OWN behind the scenes of the final season, then there is the Biggest Loser which makes me feel like my 30 lbs is nothing I should go eat some ice cream, and of course there was the wedding stuff I was hooked on...and Sarah's house, Sarah's Summer House, Design Inc with Sarah Richardson...oh my oh my.  TIvo may NOT have been a great invention for someone like me.  And love Peter Walsh in his show about organization and clutter, it inspires me,

...and then there are the framed pictures I have been wanting to hang on the staircase but never seem to find the time, energy or ability to get those all up the way I want.  Have I told you I have a baby that struggles to nap in his crib, and by that I mean....he rarely naps in there.  Maybe 2 times a week after an hour battle of screaming and me assuring him he is okay and then he will sleep for 40 minutes in there.  Maybe.  ALL of our other boys napped for HOURS in the afternoon.  HOURS....and of course they all liked woobies, aka pacifiers this one won't take.  Only his Mama will do...

So needless to say...

I am beat.  And I am SO ready for summer to come.  And to have these boys home more, to have them more relaxed, to have more help with busy little Max and with house stuff.  To be able to go to the pool, to watch them go golf, to go to the cabin...just to BE. (and ask me in August and I will be wondering if it is time to go back to school yet?  I will want the routine of school by then :)  Crazy Momma I am )  Lots of rambling not sure if you are still with me or not.

Bottom line Is it June yet?


  1. You definitely sound busy! Please please let me know if you ever want me to babysit Max! I'm sure Jacen would have an absolute ball! Seriously!!!!

  2. I am right there with you! I feel like I am going to blink, the next 2 weeks will be gone, and it will be June. The next couple weeks are crazy around here. Hold on, dear friend...June's coming. ♥

  3. Yeah for you on the exercising. Some days it seems like more hassle than it is worth, but it IS worth it. I claim that I am a better Mom because I run and get to listen to music I shouldn't be listening to. (We all have our little issues in life, don't we?) And I couldn't agree more about life settling down a bit.

  4. Whew. :) I am right there with you.

  5. I LOVED every morsel of this post and can relate to all of it so much! Where's that farm with the rocking chairs and lemonade?

  6. Ready for June here, too!!:) I, also, fall asleep on the couch many nights....usually from that being the first time to sit still all day. The joys of being mothers.:)
