"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Craziness in photos

Heading to bed but wanted to post a few pics from the past 5 days...didn't have my camera for everything but here are some.

Wednesday night was Awana awards night, Max wanted to be up front and kept running down the aisle to be front and center. 

 Jack received his Sparks Plaque, this was for completing 3 years of books and LOTS and lots of bible verses.  Both his big brother's have these plaques and it has been Jack's GOAL to have one just like theirs.  As you can tell in the below photo, he was about jumping off the stage he was SO excited.  Way to go Jack we are SO proud of you!

 Thursday night Drew had his Spring Concert at school.  He did a great job and we are proud of him.  He really enjoys music, continues to play the piano and is leaning the guitar.  This was fun.  While I was watching this, Jack and Tommy both had baseball games.

 Drew and his friend Blake both wore the striped shirt look to their concert. :)

 After the concert we caught part of Jack's game, Tommy's was done.  Fun to watch him play.

 This weekend we had visitors, my big brother Mike, his wife Cara and their kids, Charlie and Alice came down from MN to visit.  I didn't have my camera out much but snapped these today before they left.  The cousins had a terrific time together.  It was nice to have them here.  Drew had a baseball tournament that was rained out today, but we did ALL get to his game last night.  It was a full house of kiddos here.

 And how cute are the cousins?  Oh my...this is 6 of the 9.  

And today I decided to peak in on our baby Robins...have left them alone all week.  Quick snapped this photo.  Can you see how BIG they are?  Oh my in one week they are HUGE and fill up the nest.  Well the Mama Robin did NOT like me sneaking a peak and came in and swarmed down on me.  So I think I will leave them alone again for awhile.  She did not appreciate my photo opp.

So there you have a small peak into the craziness of May.  I missed pics of Tommy and Drew's baseball games this week.  Drew had 2 field trips, and Tommy had one.  Didn't go to any of them so no photos there either.  

Only 8 1/2 days of school left.  It's the BIG COUNTDOWN around here!


  1. Love the new pics! Look at those sweet curls Max has! I love the print above your couch (well, what I can see of it)...what does it say & where did you get it? Yea for summer almost here!

  2. Looks like your week was as busy as mine. Love the cousins picture. My kids miss theirs so much. I would love to have them closer...it takes us 12 hours to get there! Hope your week is a little slower...just think, in less than two weeks you will be able to let off the throttle a little bit. Yea to sleeping in and summer activities with the kids!
