"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

 It's a happy Mother's day for the Mama Robin that hatched her first baby this Friday.  
Right by our porch swing.

 And a Happy Mother's Day to my favorite Mom in the world, who was here all weekend with us.

 I hope I age like she has, she really get more beautiful every year.

 And what a blessing to celebrate Mother's Day because of these 4 boys.  Without them, well...I wouldn't have this day to celebrate.  I love these boys.

 At home after brunch...

 ...being a Mom is a gift.  I do NOT take it for granted.
I do not take for granted that I have my Mom here to celebrate and hug and love.
I do not take it for granted that I still have a Grandma to call on Mother's day and tell I love you to.
I do not take it for granted that our boys have both of their Grandma's to love.

I am so grateful God allowed me to be a Mom.
I wanted to be a Mom my whole life, ever since I can remember I wanted to be a Mom.  I dreamt of it as a little girl.  And I treasure it as a grown up woman.

Children are such blessings from God.  Even in the frustrating moments, even in the ugly stuff....they are a blessing.  It's NOT an easy job, and it's NOT for every one.  But for those of us who are given that task, and who God chooses to carry his children...what a precious thing.

I was reminded this week, as I watched Emily welcome sweet baby Blakely into the world of each and every one of our boys.  Of the moments I first saw them, touched them, held them, smelled them...drank them in.  What a precious, precious gift.  

I was reminded this morning in church of a very important thing.  Every one has a Mom, and every one was at once loved by their Mom.  A woman in our church shared something her Grandma would always say when she saw someone who was an "outcast", a homeless person, a drug addict, a prisoner...
"She, or he, once had a Mom that loved them" and I would like to think that maybe that Mom still loves them, and still wants to reach out to them, or find them.  

Mom's are a big deal.  And I pray that I am pleasing God in how I am mothering these four boys He has given to me, somedays I am not so sure.  But I do know that I pray for that every single day, multiple times.  There is NOTHING I would rather be doing in my life right now, than being a Mom.  

...and thanks to my friend Sarah for this song today.  Listen to it while you read away...such great reminders and truth in the entire song.  I LOVE being a Mom.


  1. oh I don't even know where to start...seeing those incredible pictures of Emily's baby and remembering those days myself, seeing Lynn with Max and being reminding how special friends are - they'll even help us get our hair done!...seeing you and your mom and your family celebrating mother's day. Everything was just so beautiful and touching.

  2. loved, loved, loved listening to that song.it's great to be reminded of the important job we do...and oh so humbling.

  3. I loved all the pictures. Joy is in your eyes my friend. Nothing better than seeing that.

  4. Being a mom is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I loved the pictures of you all.

  5. I came back to look at the pictures again. I love them. So good.
