"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, May 23, 2011

Oh my...

Oh my our week just got busier...Tommy asked en-route home from school today if he could invite the entire 7th grade class over on Thursday for a "School's OUT party".  G-U-L-P That means boys AND girls, and potentially a lot of them.

School is out Thursday at 11:30.  So WHY not?  We are hosting a Backyard Potluck Party for the Class of 2016.  ONLY held if it is NOT raining.  :)

Yep, this could be crazy?  I may be crazy for saying YES.  But then again, I love the idea of the party in our backyard where I can keep my eyes open and maybe, the windows cracked. Of course I will NEED to be outside from time to time refilling platters right?!  I did recruit a few of my Mom friends, from the grade, to help me out.  :)  SO I won't be alone and Scott will be here for most of the party as well.  And well I can ALWAYS send Max out with them....

P.S. Working on being a "Yes" Mom.  


  1. I'm smiling ear to ear at your "yes" answer! WAY TO GO! I know it will be a blast and a great way to kick off the summer!

  2. I am so glad you said yes! It will be so much fun...for real. I would rather have it at my house so I know what is going on!!!!! I am glad Tommy asked!

  3. Go big or go home, right? That is quite a "Yes" undertaking, but, it will be something that he will never forget. Have fun!!
