"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thumb Sucking Bribery

Searching online tonight through blogs, and some other sites and I came across this.  It STOPPED me in my tracks.  You see THIS purse, this purse is what FINALLY inspired me to stop sucking my thumb.  Yes, my friends, I was a thumb sucker.  BIG time.  And although my mother tried many, many, MANY tricks to get me to stop sucking my thumb NONE worked.  And after the dentist warned her that this thumb sucking was going to result in YEARS of braces she finally came up with this solution.  IF I quit sucking my thumb, she would buy me one of THESE purses.  You can buy one at The Pink Giraffe still.  This purse was what I had wanted most and at 9 years old, YES I was 9 and still sucking my thumb, this purse was my dream and vision.  My big sister Kathy had this purse, with little bitty whales on it, and I too wanted to be preppy and own my very own.  Mine was navy blue, with kelly green monograming.  STM was how it read.  Oh how I loved that purse...and it worked.  I quit sucking my thumb.  ahhh,...but I still had braces for 4 years...sorry.

So if you have a little one that sucks their thumb, it will cost you, between the purse bribe and the 4 years of braces...it will cost.  :)  Although Tommy didn't suck his thumb and he has had his braces for almost 2 years.  Hmmm....

oh well..there you have it,  My most favorite purse.  Thanks Mom for the memory.  


  1. We have bribed. :)

    Cute purse. Do you still have it?

  2. Oh, this is cute. So very cute. I am trying to bribe Moriah. She currently says, "When I am four, I will stop." I have my doubts about that. :)

  3. I had totally forgotten about those purses! They were all the rage. You were a really him 9 year old. But I already knew that :)

  4. okay now i don't feel so bad that landon is almost 7 and still sucking his thumb. he stopped once for 6 months but then we moved him to a new room and he started again. i did offer to buy him a ds if he stopped and it wasn't enough to get him to stop. grr! there will be something soon i am sure.
