"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


A few random things

-it is a blizzard here tonight. Lots of snow and wind. The boys had an early out from school at 1:30. Then we found out tonight we have no school tomorrow. Love a snow day

- we made scotcharoos today after school. It is the first time I have ever made them. I love them and Tommy and Drew love them. Not sure why we haven't made them before. We bake all the time, but never scotcharoos. Yummy. Thanks Niki for the recipe!

-Max is learning how to use a sippy cup and made great strides today. I think he is finally figuring it out. It's so cute to watch him drink his milk and then look at all of us for cheers.

-I made Calico Bean Stew tonight for dinner. Yummy a perfect dinner for a cold night

-we watched the movie Secretariat tonight as a family. It was a great movie. The boys really enjoyed it. Max was busy busy during the movie but we got through it.

-After reading our friend Adam's Caring Bridge page tonight to Jack and hearing friends had been taking Adam to lunch, Jack chimed in that he would like to have lunch with Mr. Nelson too. I emailed Adam and they are set for a lunch date on Friday if everything goes as Jack has planned, Adam said Jack could pick where to eat...hmm they may be at Wendy's. :).

-Scott is home. He left yesterday morning for Winnipeg, Canada to speak. He got as far as the Minneapolis airport. Then had flight delay after flight delay. Thankfully there was still a flight back to Des Moines late last night. He crawled into bed sometime after 1 am. I didnt hear him. He certainly wouldn't have made it home in this weather today.

-Supernanny is on right now. I'm in our bed. Scott is snoring next to me with his laptop on
his lap. Supernanny has a way of making me feel like I'm doing something right as a Mom :)

-oh and I've won two things this past week on blogs. One is a book written by my friend Kimberly Stuart that came out today. I can't do a link on my iPad so I will have to do that another day. Love her writing style. It makes me smile and laugh. Thanks Makila for the free book. And thhe other is a gift certificate for a pic of Max on jewelry by Mariah Milan Photography. She is my friend that took our pics in Austin Texas late this summer.

Enough rambling. Time to wake the sleeping hubby so he can out his computer away and we can snuggle in for the storm to pass.

You gotta love a snow day. Maybe Max will think it is a good night for him to sleep all night long.....hmmmm


  1. I finished Kim's book last night.


  2. We are loving our snow day today too...homemade marshmallows, hot chocolate and making granola bars are how I am spending the day! We have been wanting to watch Secretariat, I am glad you liked it. I hope Max sleeps for you. Hinckley is sleeping from about 9-9:30 to almost 5:00. Now if only I would go to bed early instead of reading at night then I would get a good nights sleep too...I can't blame him anymore ;-)

  3. Always love some good rambling. :)

  4. I've never experienced a snow day. I'll live vicariously through you for now. We have a 60% chance of some snow dust tonight - I don't know if it would be enough to stick but I'm hopeful!

    Treasure the snuggling with husband! I wish I got to snuggle with mine... makes me sad sometimes that he works all night.
