"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Party

 opening his card and gift from Jack...

 Tommy and Scott are both into John Wooden right now, Tommy was excited to find these books for Dad

 Max was most thrilled with shredding the tissue paper up

 Drew was all about the Nike workout clothes

 golf glove from Max

 Happy birthday to Daddy

This was my favorite thing of the entire night....Jack made Scott this coupon on his own "A free coupond for a boys night out to see a movie and to eat Dinner."  After Scott opened that and read it out loud a light bulb went off in Tommy's head and he said "hold on a minute I need to run and do something".  His little brother had a brilliant idea and Tommy wanted to cash in on some of that one on one time too.  It was pretty funny.  Everyone loves one on one time with Dad and everyone loves dinner OUT alone with Dad!

His very favorite Boston Creme Pie...4 boy candles and a pink girl in the middle.  :)  Happy Birthday Love!

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