"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Fireplace Fairytale

From my Valentine with Love...

Once Upon a Time there was a girl that loved forest green, she wore forest green, drove a forest green car, had forest green bridesmaids dresses and even chose forest green marble tile for her fireplace not once, but twice when she built homes.

Then this girl grew older and went through many holidays with the forest green marble tile, although she had long grown weary of the color....

She tried to make it better with new candlesticks and pretty stockings

She tried a new art piece above the fireplace...

but nothing could solve the fact that she didn't like the forest green.

Then one day her beloved knight in shining armor told her he would grant her wish of ridding her home of the forest green tile...as his Valentine's day gift.
and so the search for new stone began...

And so....the tile was ripped out. The art piece returned...

two men labored for two days working to make her dream come true...

New stone was installed....

And there was a sweet, little baby who helped clean up the messes...

And a new canvas portrait taken and ordered from Canvas on Demand arrived the day the fireplace was completed...

 And her fireplace lived happily ever after....


  1. oh my goodness - this is the most creative, cutest post I have ever seen!! I love it - and the fireplace, too!

  2. You are darling. As is your fireplace :). Were you wearing a giant ball gown during the process? Xo

  3. oh i LOVE LOVE LOVE it... it looks amazing. i love the canvas pic as well. i am planning on ordering some canvas prints for our entry wall.. can't wait!

  4. It looks wonderful!!! I know you must be thrilled. What a sweet hubby you have.:)

  5. LOVE the new look!Enjoy it with a nice cup of hot chocolate.:)

  6. It looks GORGEOUS. I love it. So glad Scott made that happen for you!

  7. it does look pretty awesome! Love, love, love
