"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, February 14, 2011

Boys...sweet, sweet, busy boys

It's been a busy few days at the Shisler home.  This weekend was filled with 2 basketball tournaments, one for Tommy, and one for Drew.  Jack had his first basketball game for his YMCA team.  And Max, well Max is busy, busy, busy.  He wants to throw just about everything he can get his little hands on, he wants to climb the steps and watch out if there is ice cream anywhere within his sight line you WILL be sharing it with him.

Last week, was a long week.  Max was not feeling well most of the week, I was pretty under the weather several days too.  Not so much that I stayed in bed, just not feeling my usual pep and go.  Friday night, I was beat and done.

Saturday was a beautiful day outside...sunshine and warm enough we didn't need to bundle up in coats.  Sunday was just as beautiful.  The boys enjoyed being outside too.  Jack FINALLY got to build a snowman, he didn't make it through the day, melted down(the snowman, not Jack :0).   The bigger boys enjoyed playing hoops on the sportcourt too.

 note the shorts, and the weather shoes...and the snowman.  Only in Iowa

 Jack was very proud of this snowman made ALL by himself.

 Drew playing ball

 I only had my camera at his game.  Missed the other boys...
I was there but wrestling a baby pig, Max, not taking pictures

I have also been busily working on finally finishing up Max and Jack's bedroom, which has sort of been neglected.  I painted it a month or so ago, and just need to focus some on making it more cozy for them.  I rearranged it again too, swapping their beds from one side to the other.  So far Jack LOVES the new arrangement, I LOVE that I can't see his Star Wars fathead as much when I stand in the doorway, and Max,,,well I had hoped it would magically help him sleep through the night and well...not so much.  But I will keep you posted with pics when I get it all pulled together.

Valentine's day was fun. I started my day with a VERY sweet little love note from Scott on my computer.   Max and I spent much of the day at home, watching my Valentine's day gift be created..more on that later.  Hopefully tomorrow.  Max and I snuck to the boys' Valentine's day parties at school this afternoon. Tommy and Scott spent the day in Iowa City checking on his breathing stuff, we had suspected exercise induced asthma this year...and long story short and 2 days in iowa City Children's Hospital (not overnight) ends up he is okay.  His lungs need to catch up to his body growth.  And he needs to learn to relax when he gets out of breath so he doesn't put his body into anxiety and panic mode over the breathing.  All in all, a great check up for him.  His heart is in amazing cardio shape, I am sure he gets that from his Mom.  :)

 Drew opening Valentine's

 Jack and Max at his party

Tonight, Scott and I snuck out for a Valentine's day dinner leaving ALL of the boys home, to make dinner and take care of their baby brother.  This if the first time we have done this, we have left them with Max for short periods but never for a meal and never for 2 hours.  They did great.  Called us twice but the best part was this....as we walked in the door from dinner they were all standing in the kitchen smiling from ear to ear.  They had CLEANED the entire kitchen, the sunroom/greenroom, the family room...the main floor was in beautiful condition.  (and let me assure you it was NOT this way when we left for dinner)  They had made us a chocolate brownie sundae, and homemade cards.  Max had been fed, and had a cleaned face, his high chair even wiped down.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  The best Valentine's day gift they could have given me.  They were ALL so proud.  

 Cleaned up kitchen...think it's time for the winter greens to come down and the
 Spring flowers to come out!  I think they did a great job getting the ktichen cleaned up.

The ice cream sundae with brownie and cards when we got home...

Max was NOT happy I had a chocolate sundae and he wasn't eating it, so we put him in his high chair as soon as we could and he shared it with me.  Look at that face....MAD baby.  Wanting the ice cream NOW!

Happy Valentine's day to you all...it was 17 years ago today that Scott first told me he loved me.  What a blessing he is to me.  I adore him and am so proud to be his wife.  

With love and hugs...


  1. I aboslutely loved reading this from the first word to the last. It was great to get caught up on your family and you made me laugh outloud at a couple comments - one being only in Iowa and the other wresling your pig Max at the game. So so true! It was fun looking at all the pictures, too! Glad you are all doing well and feeling better.

  2. I love it. You have sweet boys. Very sweet. S, D & L built a snowman on Monday. It was gone by Monday night. :) They have been wanting to build one all winter long.

  3. The clean up and babysitting...awesome. What great boys. Taylor is not yet 12, but I would worry about leaving he and his brothers and sister alone together...I am sure we would have more than three calls, and pretty sure one would be from the police!
