"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Tommy learned today

It's been a week of learning around here...

Monday the boys all learned in more detail than I have ever taught them before, and with higher expectations than ever before....how to clean toilets and bathrooms...dust properly, vacuum everything including the stairs, mop tile floors and scrub hardwood floors...so much summer fun. I figured they can be expected to do more than I have asked in the past. My eyes have been opened recently to how I truly should be asking more and expecting more from their help at home. Not sure they love my new found wisdom in that area. But I have decided if I don't "train" them in what I expect "cleaning" to be, I have no right to be upset when they don't do it as I think they should. So let the training begin...

Today, with Scott out of town and the yard growing into a jungle I decided it was time for Tommy to learn how to do this...he did an awesome job!

Drew and Tommy are also menu planning, they are making one meal a week for our family. Ah the joys of summer! :) I am loving having their help and they are so proud of all they are learning. Their wives will thank me one day....

P.S. before you feel badly for them...they each had friends over today to play or went to a friends or went to the pool with a friend. So their lives aren't that rough really...


  1. Their wives will seriously thank you. :)

  2. We have a Coleman Boot Camp too! My boys always say that they are the ONLY kids who have chores! And yes, someday their wives will really appreciate that they know how to keep a house clean...I know I appreciate that my husband does!

  3. The Dahlberg Boys will start next week.. Thank you Susan for this great post.. I needed to read this!!! Happy Summer to the Shisler's!!!
    We are happy Kathy is doing okay.

  4. that is a serious mower. Send those boys over to clean my house, please. I have been a horrid example. Unless having low standards is a good thing. :)
