"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bath baby *sigh*

I had Scott grab the camera tonight, I knew this could very well be Max's last bath in the baby tub. One thing I have made such a conscious effort of doing with little Max is savoring each moment, and trying to burn them all into my brain. Knowing he is our last baby I don't want to wish any of it away. So tonight, I knew...especially after I put this BIG little guy in the tub, this would be his last bath in it. We have used this tub for all of our boys. We had given it to my brother for his kids, and he happily returned it for Max. So here are some of the photos of his last bath...and yep I am choking up with tears in my eyes. *sigh*

here comes the water

such a very happy baby

relaxing and looking in the mirror

Smiling up at my Daddy

Yep, I then tried to roll over in my tub...


  1. Gracelyn is getting big for her tub too. I love the pictures in the mirror.

  2. :) Thanks for sharing that sweet moment!

  3. LOVE IT!!! it is so much fun watching them grow and learn something new everday!!!

  4. He is so sweet! I love the pictures. I remember being so sad when Addison outgrew her baby tub.
