"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Catching Up....Tommy's belated birthday gift

Tommy has been wanting and asking to go to Cedar Point Amusement Park ever since he learned it existed.  He is a RIDE guy, much like his Dad.  So...for his 16th birthday Scott decided it would be fun to celebrate by taking him to Cedar Point, in Sandusky, OH.  It happened to be that his fraternity from his Ohio State days had a benefit tournament the 3rd weekend of August...in Columbus.  So they left for a road trip.

They headed to Columbus on Friday night, played golf on Saturday..they stayed with our great friends the Townsleys.  Mike and Scott were best friends in college.  Their oldest 2 kids were in our wedding and their youngest came in his Mama's tummy.  They have grown up, it was fun that they were all home from college and school.

Stuart...one of the funniest kids we know and sweetest guys around.  He is a senior in HS this year. 

Jackie...one of our sweet flower girls and now a Jr in college.  She was the youngest and was SO SO cute. Not even 2 years old at the time.  

Jane was 7 months pregnant at our wedding and was NOT pleased with us...we had her 1.5 year old daughter and her 4 year old son in our wedding as well as her husband.  She asked "do you hate me to put me through this?" the night before our wedding.  Then she realized how laid back we were about the kids...they couldn't have been cuter.

John...was our Ringbearer....sigh he just graduated from college.

Rabbit trail....had to post this from our wedding so you could see how cute they were...Jackie is the littlest one.  So so SO cute. 
And another random thought..why or why did I wear heals on our wedding day.  I don't like how extremely tall I looked in ALL of the pics.  Don't get me wrong, I am tall and I don't mind but I don't like looking 6'2" next to my 6'4" hubby.  So my wedding shoes had cute white bows on them, it's really why I loved them.  AND I thought there were not other options besides dye to match flats which I had overdone for proms.  So...since no one saw my shoes and it just makes me look like an Amazon.  Oh well...at least I don't have big bangs, puffy sleeves or a big bow on the backside of me.  The joys of the 90's.

After golfing in the fundraiser they headed to the farm to see Grandma and Grandpa Shisler.  It was a quick visit filled with driving Grandpa's Kubota and eating good food.

Sunday morning they headed to Cedar Point...

They were there from open to close...10 am-10 pm.  They were able to ride on 20 rides...and they only went on the scary, fast ones.  It always makes you feel good as a Mom when you hear these words..."We had to wait a little extra in line for maintenance to finish up...then we went on"...um this Momma, who doesn't like rides to start with...would NOT get on a ride that had just been "fixed".  And if I would have been there I would NOT have wanted THEM to get on it.  Oh well that's why boys have Dad's.  They don't worry about that stuff.

Oh and another favorite...."After you get through the initial PAIN of going 0-120 mph, the ride is really fun.  Especially when you are up 430 feet in the air"...umm thanks but I didn't need to know there was PAIN involved nor did I need to know it was THAT high up.  Oh and that maintenance had just been there.

BUT they had fun and that's why it was a FATHER/SON trip...bonding and being dangerous together.

Here are some pics that they took...most of them were from Tommy's phone...

I think Scott deserves the "What a Guy Award" for this weekend...they had a terrific time.

This is the one that goes from 0-120 in 9 seconds and then up 430 feet and you sit at the top before you corkscrew to your death...to the bottom.  Sound fun?

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