"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, August 30, 2013

Catching up...Fair edition

I am still working on my "Catching Up" posts...this one is about the Iowa State Fair.  Once again, Scott took Drew and Jack to the fair for their alone day/evening.  This year was Max's first year getting an alone day with Dad, he lasted about 4 hours which was great...and Tommy did not get an alone day this year due to his trip to Cedar Point that was coming up...we chose not to spend money on both. :)  I had an alone "date night" at the fair and then we did go one evening as a family as well.  So if you are counting...that makes 5 trips to the fair for Scott.  He LOVES it...and each of us enjoys different parts of the fair so he really doesn't get overloaded ever with the same.

Max's day....

Max went opening day.

On the way down to the fair "It's just you and me Daddy.  Just Daddy and Max"

When they first got their his first words to Scott "My Jackie says we have to get cookies first"...so off to eat warm chocolate chip cookies they went.

On the tractors "Daddy you can watch TV in this tractor" when he saw the GPS system

After going down the BIG SLIDE...he looked right at Scott and held up his little finger and said "One more time Daddy"

When he saw the butter cow "That cow is NOT real Daddy"

When they watched some of the livestock judging "I like these pig races Daddy"...thinking they were racing and not parading around to be judged.

When he got home to me "Mommy if my brothers try to scratch off my Hawkeye tattoo Daddy will tackle them"

Out of the words of babes...

Max wanted to match with Daddy in the Ohio shirts...my two blue eyed loves

taken from the chairlift...BE STILL my heart he took our 3 year old on a chair lift with his feet dangling and looking down.  UGH...I am so glad they have a brave Daddy otherwise I think they would never do anything outside of my sight.  

It was my turn next...

I agree with Max and think the warm chocolate chip cookies should be the very first stop.  So we stopped there.  We wandered around looking at the commercial buildings, the ag stuff Scott enjoys, the flowers I enjoy and just really had fun being together and catching up. It's not very often where we can have an uninterrupted sentence or thought.

Jack was next.  He was so excited to go.  These boys LOVE the fair and LOVE time alone with their Daddy.  Jack loved the Lego display, the BIG slide, OF course the chocolate chip cookies, Pork on a stick, bumper cars and all of the animals.  He is looking SO much older to me these days, he has changed so much this summer.

Drew was next...

He loves the animals, the food, the ag stuff, the photos, the 4H projects...most of all he enjoys time to chat it up with his Dad without anyone around.  (sound familiar)

I cannot seem to find all of the pics from their day, they must be on the little camera on the way to Ohio.  But here was one Scott texted me...this tunnel was once Drew's favorite thing at the fair, think he has outgrown it a bit.

We went as a family last....we spent the evening there. (half price after 5:00)  Scott had a few ride passes so the boys did bumper cars and Max did the merry go round and the cars.  We shared Chocolate Chip Cookies (notice a trend), each ate what we wanted for dinner, tried a new thing homemade peppermint ice cream sandwiches...YUM...the boys all did the BIG slide (I took the pictures, I just might not LIKE the height of the big slide), we visited a few animals, and we had their caricature done which we did in 2006...so it was fun for an updated one.

 This might be my favorite fair picture of ALL time...

 The boys went on the slide twice, once with Dad and once without.  Tommy spun out on the last time and Max thought it WAS SO SO SO funny  

 I LOVE this picture...the boys often fight over who gets to carry Max and hold him...they just adore that little guy.  Love Tommy in this pic.  Shows his joy and love towards Max.

Super excited I am making them do caricatures.

The bus ride home from the fair, Max adores "my Jack-ie"

Another Iowa State Fair in the books.  Until next year.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week at the fair! :) even I don't like heights but don't mind the sky glider. :)
