"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Things Max Says...

-"Do Momma's poop? I know that Robot's don't."

-"Daddy if you need a cough drop just call Max, M-A-X and I will come and open one for you."

-"Are my brudders at stool?"  (school)

-"Where my brudders?  Where they are?" (at the dinner table if someone is not home)

And last but not least I will leave you with this video I shot of him last week.  He found one of the NCAA brackets and was asking Scott which teams he wants...so so funny.


  1. He is adorable!! I know who to call to help me with my picks from now on.:) Max knows what he is doing.:)

  2. Tell Max I always choose the doggies. So precious.

  3. Love the pooping question...so funny.
