"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 8, 2013

Growing Up

Sigh....get me more kleenex

How does this happen?

Tommy drove to school this morning.  Yes, he has his school permit, and a truck, and he was off....  Scott followed him there more for our peace of mind than anything.  How is it they grow up so fast?  How is it that our Ordinary days of playing with play doh, napping, baking cookies...watching Franklin have gone and now we are busy with school, golf, basketball, baseball...truly a BLINK and here we are.  As much as my heart wants to soak it ALL in, every single day....one day has led to the next, and the next...and here we are.  Oh how I want many "Do-Over-Days" with Tommy, with each of the boys.  Oh how I pray for him, for his heart, for his relationships.  Oh how we pour our love and energy into our children.  Oh how I lay awake at night replaying conversations, good and the bad.  Oh how my heart desires for him to love God, to follow God...to have a soft heart.  I pray for him to be bold, and brave, to be a man of integrity.  Oh how often I mess up.  Thankful for grace.  So thankful.  

Don't blink....


  1. I blinked, too.... I am very melancholy today about all of it. How has time gone by so fast? Tommy looked super excited. :)
