"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Feeling blessed

Well it feels like forever since I sat down to write on the blog, the last post I had written a week ago and just had it set to post.  It is a quiet morning here, boys are all at baseball of one kind or another.  Which leaves me here, in the quiet humm of laundry and the dishwasher.

Be forewarned the rambling begins...

Let me back up a week or so ago...

On Tuesday I got a phone call from my Mom stating that they indeed would now be here for my surgery.  The original plan was that my college friends Lisa and Niki were coming on Wednesday night for our annual hang out time with ALL of our kids...and then Thursday Niki would take the kids back to Minneapolis with her to my parents.  Saving them a trip down.  Well...my Dad didn't like that option as the time got closer.  You see once you are a Daddy's girl I guess you always are.  As much as I told Mom we had it logistically figured out and that I would be fine with Scott....he insisted.  So I am grateful for the grace and understanding of Lisa and Niki to allow me to cancel their visit so Mom and Dad could be here.  And MAN OH MAN I was glad they were here, don't think I had factored in how much I would want or need them here.

Thursday morning came, we had to be at the hospital by 5 am.  Scott and I left, spoke with a police officer about 1 mile into the trip to the hospital...oops stop sign.  He was kind and let us go.  I got all settled in and my parents got down there around 6.  We had friends covering all of the other boys at home...thanks VanSoelans, Wubbens, Milligans and Fishes.  It takes a village people.

My regular OB Dr. Hoegh was going to be there to assist his partner Dr. Whitney Brink.  If you are looking for an OB I HIGHLY recommend this group...no one cares more for their patients.  I am convinced of that more than ever.  Dr. Brink came into the OR as I had just gotten on the table.  I was crying, shocking I know...and she came over and held my hand, and wiped my tears and told me it was going to be okay over and over...I fell asleep to that.  I have had several surgeries in my life and NEVER has the Dr been the one to do that....it's always the nurse.  THAT alone says SO much about her.  SO much...

When I woke up, I was asking for my "Love" in the recovery room....of course that nurse had no idea that was Scott....and I couldn't come up with the words to explain who or what my Love was...think she thinks I was crazy.  that's about all I remember from there...then onto the regular room and according to scott all I kept saying was "Where is my Mom?  Where is my Mom? Where is my Mom?: and a random Where is my Dad every once in awhile.  I wasn't asking for him....which I tell him now is because I just KNEW he was there. But he is a bit sensitive about that.  SO thank GOODNESS my parents both were there....

Surgery went great, it was way easier than they had expected.  40 minutes shorter than they expected...all wonderful news.

Boys came that night in shifts.  First the little 2 came after school and visited.  Then the older 2 after dinner with my Dad and watched part of the Buckeye game with me...spilled a full glass of ice on me, had to change my gown, part of my sheets and don't think any of them hardly noticed they were all standing watching the TV.  I have low blood pressure....and they should have been checking theirs as I guarantee you theirs was HIGH as we played ISU.

They all went home to bed...I fell asleep soon after.  I was woken up at midnight with blood pressures...and mine were dramatically too low.  70/33  So then they brought in other nurses and a dr and everyone made me get up and walk to the bathroom and back more times than I would have preferred.  They stopped all orders for the IV Pain meds and morphine....bummer huh?  And after about an hour or so back and forth of this it went up to 80 something and they let me go back to bed.  Not without coming in every hour to check ALL NIGHT long.  See I should have let that close Buckeye game get to me more.

Friday morning the Dr came in and told me if I did a few things on her list of to do's I could leave....that's all I needed to hear.   I am NOT a hospital fan.  So I did my laps, ate my food, sat in a chair, proved I could do it all.  And around 1 I was released....Mom and Dad had taken big 3 boys to MN and we had Max home with us.  Thanks Ruth for keeping Max on Friday.

The weekend was not much of an Easter weekend for us...home and in bed most of the time.  I can summarize the last week as a lot of that....home, bed, couch, eat, nap, bed, home....

Big boys went to Benson to see my Grandma for Easter.  We watched Easter on the I-pad with a local church service....Bedside Baptist we were.  Our Easter meal was a donut and Starbucks.  And leftovers from food friends had brought.....

Monday we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary...pretty simple celebration. :)  But a great reminder to me that we are in this together, forever, in sickness and in health.  This happened to be a little bit of the "in sickness" part this year.

We have been SO blessed by meals and help from friends.  So blessed.  My Mom was here Monday-Thursday and she helped with driving, laundry, Max, keeping things picked up...SO helpful.  She listened to my tears on Wednesday when I didn't have such a great day....I don't sit well.  I don't like that I can't drive yet...and my nurse here is being VERY strict with me.

Last night we ventured out for the DMCS Benefit.  We only went for part of it, but it was nice to be out.  I can feel it today and am a bit tired.  But mostly I feel better each and every day.  I give it another week and then I am hopefully going to be ready to go.

Baseball is in high gear, Tommy made the Varsity golf team, we bought the boys their first car/truck.  Lots of milestones it seems...

Thanks for your prayers...sorry for the rambling.  You may not have even stuck with this note......
Some pics from my phone for you...if you are still here....

Still waking up from surgery...Scott was out finding me the perfect crushed ice,,,and I was holding my Dad's hand...under that pile of warm blankets I guess.  Mom took this.

 After school Max and Jack came to visit....Max slept the whole time but it was still the best medicine for me and my heart

 Drew climbed in bed with me to watch the game...

 The game was close here, Drew pacing, me holding my Dad's reassuring hand

 Max spent the day with my friend Erin and her kiddos...evidently he felt quite at home there and took his shirt off the minute he walked through their door.  He played with Zoe a lot and helped with baby Cameron too....thanks ERIN for watching him ALL day.

 Off to MOA with Grandma on Friday...she spoils them.  Lego store for Jack
MOA Nike store...Tommy sent this...OSU basketball uniform.

 My TV show buddy in bed with me

 DQ in Edina for the boys...'
 Facetime with Jack...Max showing him his new tricks.

 My sweet friend Carol sent me this care package from CO, so kind and thoughtful.  It arrived the day I got home from the hospital

 On the way to see their Great Grandma in Benson for Easter....

 Lots of snuggle and TV time with this little guy

 My Mom seriously makes the best JELLO ever...

All set for the Easter Egg hunt...in the snow on the farm.

 In Benson with my Grandma Lu, their Great Grandma...so blessed

 Waking up from one of our many naps...

 On the farm in Benson with cousins, and more cousins

 Family room fun....

 My nurse taking a well deserved nap

 Happy Easter

 Easter morning baseball

 Easter morning in Benson

 My personal Dr giving me a check up

 Mom sent this...think he is tired?

 How my parents must be feeling...

 Mom, Grandma and my dear Aunt Sandy

Max could NOT have been more excited to have his "Jackie" home...pure joy

 That was then April 1, 1995...
 ...this is now April 1, 2013

 Lego building with Grandma
 Coloring with Grandma

 My Love brought home these beautiful tulips the other day....our house has so many beautiful flowers in it right now, I love it.

 A special baby visitor came yesterday...made my day to get to snuggle him

Thanks for all of your prayers and sweet words, meals and love for my family.  I am feeling so very blessed.


  1. So wonderful to get an update on how you are doing. You have been on my mind so much. How wonderful that you are improving everyday and are surrounded by so much love!

  2. that post had me bawling...so glad you are feeling better...thanks for the update. still praying for you.
