"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, August 13, 2012

Is It Halloween Yet?

Well let me start off by saying we are home from our last summer visit to the cabin...not enough time there for me this summer.  I think this is the least amount of days I, personally, have ever spent at the cabin in ANY summer of my life.  :(  Just tells me we are getting busier and busier around here with these boys.  Thankful the boys each had a week with my Mom up there, and my Dad for some of their week too.  They had time.  Just didn't happen much for Scott or me.

I awoke to Jack on the edge of my bed this morning telling me what he would like to be for Halloween.  Nothing like coming home from the cabin to NEW catalogs...to skipping right over the beginning of school and fall and headed STRAIGHT to Halloween.  Catalog in hand he had his costume all chosen....and SHOCKINGLY it wasn't a Star Wars Character like the past 3 maybe even 4 years.  It was....Spiderman.  He saw the movie Avengers this summer and is now an Avengers fan.  And he ALSO informed me that Max had chosen HIS costume as well...hmmm 2 year old who doesn't even know that Halloween exists....do you think he had some influencing?  Max "wants to be" Captain America....so they can be partners. :)

Then came the "Mom I will measure us so you know what size costumes we are....and we have the Captain America Shield already...."

Ummm think we have had 2 Captain America costumes here...Jack dressed as him for almost a year straight.  I still remember shopping in Anthropologie in Edina with Jack, as Captain America by my side.  They have been worn and worn and worn and worn.

Tommy and Drew were never much for dressing up..they would decide about the day before Halloween and come up with stuff in our house, football players, baseball players, catchers, basketball players, hockey player....whatever they could find.  Drew was Coach Tressel one year which wasn't hard around our house.  So Jack throws a whole new LIFE into dressing up....

It's fun to have him so excited though...and he knows that in his new school they get to wear their costumes for their class party.  So think that's exciting him as well...

Oh my....


  1. Love..... We have passed the need to dress up here, but they still want all the candy. :) Let me know if you need the coonskin hat back anytime.

  2. He isn't the only one thinking about Halloween. Costco had costumes for sale. And they have started getting in their Christmas toy section. Seriously.
