"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kitty Love

Sometime this past week this baby kitty found it's way to the farm.  Scott's parents had been keeping her safe in a cage away from the dog so that we could see her. Max was in LOVE, and I mean LOVE with the kitty.  At first he was scared and as you can see by the progression of photos below, he fell in LOVE with her.  Now before you all comment and tell me we should get a kitten for him let me remind you both Drew and I are TERRIBLY allergic to cats...not to mention our sweet niece Alice would never be able to come to our house either due to her allergies.  And lastly, kittens are darling and sweet and cats...well let's just say I don't like cats once they are grown.

Enjoy the sweetness...


  1. How sweet is that...if only they could stay kittens. I love the one with him laying down next to her.

  2. Really cute.

    I'm with you. Kittens are one thing. Cats...not so much.

  3. so what are you naming Max's new baby? :)
