"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, May 21, 2012

Insta Monday

Pictures off of my phone from the past week....
 Max with a washcloth on his owie...

 Max trying on Tommy's helmet

 Snuck Tommy out of school over lunch for a haircut...with baseball daily until 7 that was the only time.  A little Fuddruckers after

 The other beautiful necklace the boys gave to me that made my cry

 Max fell on the driveway

 Ready for his "Firetruck Team" game

 Scott sent this from his "meeting" in St Louis with customers at the Cardinals game

 I found this funny on Facebook this week 
 Another funny..this is SO true.  It's how my brain thinks

 One more good reminder for me..

 Scott's good friend David came to town, we had a fun time with him.  Even snuck a late dinner to Texas Roadhouse after Drew's concert

 Scott took the boys for yogurt on Friday night after Tommy's scrimmage

 Drew and I went to Iowa City to watch his friends big brother play for the Hawkeyes, ignore the tired momma and the wrinkles

 #14 Jake Yaccinich

 Field day on Friday, someone texted me this...doesn't my hubby look great.  40 lbs off since January

 With my dear friend Stacey at field day, same friend texted me this

 Drew fell asleep on the way home from Iowa City on Friday night

 Tommy all dressed up to go golf, handsome boy

 Out to Macaroni grill with Tommy and Max on Saturday night while Scott and Drew were gone for baseball to Iowa City...ignore the fact that my outfit hasn't changed since Friday.  :)

 Found on Pinterest and LOVED
 If you are NOT on Pinterest you are missing stuff like this...

 After finding the chewable Melatonins on Sunday morning, Max had a sleepy day.  Here is is, nap number 2 on my chest.  Ahem, no worries he is okay.  Just a slight scare for this Momma

 Our neighbors across the street got a new puppy...EXCITING stuff I tell you

 Drew's team won the Championship in their Iowa City Tourney, Go STICKS

Max is into the harmonica, playing it and tapping his toes.  He's even added clapping to it now too.  This boy LOVES his music.  It's so fun.


  1. These were to fun to look at - you re hilarious!

  2. Such fun pictures! I love that you have a quote from President Monson. I remember him saying that in General Conference and thinking oh boy, do I have some things to work on! And you both look great!

  3. Love all the pics! You BOTH look great!

  4. Great pics! Brought me joy to look through them and that I am not the only one running around like crazy after a 2 year old :) Jacen talked about Max for a while after that night we were there! it was cute! I think he even 'called' him to talk.

  5. fun catching up through the pics. i agree you both look great.

    did you know my friend sarah helped design that lisa leonard necklace? its one of my very favorite pieces ;O)
