"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Keeping it real

Saw this the other day....made me chuckle.

But for real here is how my day has been....

-6 am woke up, somehow didn't set or didn't hear my 4:40 am alarm so no workout.

-6:05 am kissed my husband goodbye as he headed out of town for work

-6:25 am Jack and Max joined me in bed, Max wanted a show, Jack wanted to be by Momma, Max wanted a pillow, his pillow, and he didn't want to share his Momma.  Argument number 1 of the day.

-6:40 am Tommy came in half asleep mumbling about an assignment he hadn't done

-6:41 am Drew came in and tried to fit in between the other boys and me in bed...BOTH protested.  Argument number 2 of the morning.

-7:00 am I opted out of bed for the shower...left the boys.  Max NOT happy, Jack and Drew fighting over who would feed Max breakfast.  Jack begging for someone to make pancakes.

-7:03 am in shower Max now pounding on shower door.  Wanting me to get out and hold hold him.

-7:06 am out of shower, by myself...drying hair.

-7:09 am Tommy comes in, searching for white index cards, I am drying my hair he is YELLING over the hairdryer.  I tell him we aren't shopping for index cards at 7:30 in the morning, to figure something out.  He settles for pink ones he found.

-7:19 am I am dressed and about ready to make our bed.

-7:20 am Jack and Drew searching for certain hats, it's "hat" day at school.  Thanks DMCS for adding yet MORE to this final week of school for us Mom's to keep track of.

-7:28 am found sombrero, flat bill Buckeye hat and hoop hat for the boys.  still haven't made our bed

-7:30 am Max spills his lucky charms....clean up that mess

-7:32 am Tommy is trying to figure out how to get his model of the Sears tower to fit in the car, oh and by the way it's still wet with black spray paint from last night.

-7:36 am.  Jack needs a form signed, Tommy remembers he has 2 forms due today and panics trying to print those out and fill them in.  Drew is trying to get the printer to print his bibliography for his report that is due today and Tommy can't find the stuff he printed out last night.

-7:38 am Scott calls to say good morning to the boys, and asks what we are up to.  :)  oh and bed still not made

-7:42 am telling everyone they need to eat breakfast and get lunches ready.

-7:43 am Jack asks what's the plan for the night, who has baseball, who doesn't.  Max pipes in from the table that HE has baseball tonight for the "firetruck team" his made up team.

-7:44 am Tommy worries he will be late to school and wonders how will he get his project and backpack and baseball bag into school together.

-7:49 am.  Max is done eating and proceeds to start dumping out baskets in the sunroom...toys everywhere.

-7:52 am Jack wonders why he needs to wet down and fix his hair if he is wearing a sombrero all day.  I remind ALL of the boys that we always take hats off when we eat, so that regardless of hat day they WILL take off their hats at lunch, even if they are the ONLY ones...we go into a discussion on why I feel SO strongly about that and then why I don't like flat bill hats.  Yep...I can't make this stuff up people.

-7:56 am Tommy is now telling us it is time to GO, he needs extra time...Max is in a tee shirt that has cereal spilled on it and has taken off his shorts only has a diaper,  Jack in a HUGE green sombrero, Drew with 2 hats on his head and Tommy with his sears tower model that's 2 feet high we have to have the sunroof open to get to school with it.

-8:10 am to school...I leave boys in car and go with Tommy to help him carry...I lovingly THANK his math teacher for giving him this HUGE project to do on a Friday of Mother's day weekend when we were gone, and he has baseball every day until 7 and it is a partner project so he had to do it with a classmate until 10 last night.  She laughs and I tell her it's not so funny when you are the Mom.  :)  She knows I am half kidding.  I proceed to tell her I am heading to thank his English teacher next for the Autobiography project she handed out Friday as well due this week...pictures of his 14 years of life and all.  Thank you teachers...we have NOTHING else to do.

-8:14 am back to the car to let Jack and Drew off to school in their hats...and get Max home.

-8:18 am call my Mom on my way home from school, like I often do...she is out of breath...she literally hopped out of the bathtub to answer my call.  She asks what I am doing...I give her the rundown...she chuckles as she heads off to get ready to volunteer in my brother's classroom.  She laughs because she knows I am NOT making this stuff up.

-8:25 am home...get Max changed...ready for my last BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) class, change his diaper and clothes, pack his bag, find the bill that is due at the bank today to drop off, water the flowers, change the ac filter as it's overdue, put away the spray paint left out from last nights Sears tower project, head to bible study....oops in the car and there is low gas...stop enroute to fill up.  Get to church late for bible study at 9:25 am.  Max has a HUGE scrape on his face from a fall last night, and smells very clean thanks to LOTS of shampoo HE found yesterday....I sit down in bible study.  Not having done a single bible study question from the past week...and I listen.  Sigh...listen about God,  Soak it IN.....soak soak soak the quiet and the discussion

....had a wonderful fellowship after with my small group at our leaders' home.  Thank you Sarah for taking Max so I could go and soak in more.

I am NOT SuperMom...this is the real life I live.  It's crazy, busy but it's RIGHT where God wants me to be.  Oh and in case you are wondering...our bed is STILL not made and there is a sweet 2 year old sleeping in it.  


  1. this made me laugh out loud in several places as I relate so much to your stage of life right now! I recently got ticketed for running two red lights and Steve sat me down last night to discuss my spacey-ness and that I need to be more careful.....hence, it's a mama of four kid's brain with too much stuff swirling it in all the time! The very BEST job in the world, but certainly not all smiles and laughter and feet up eating bon bons!!!

  2. You for sure earned your Supermom cape yesterday. Wear it proudly.:) Hope today is less hectic for y'all. I know what you mean about this time of year. Adding another thing to the calendar almost puts me in panic mode. Looking forward to when school is out.:)

  3. I am sitting here laughing so hard that I am crying because I know this ALL. TO. WELL. And it always happens like that when your other helping hands are out of town. So sorry for the day. Hoping it gets better for you!

  4. Love this! Sounds like my 3:45-8:00 hours last night. ☺ What is up with teacher's assigning huge projects like that right now? Really??? Annoying!

  5. I love that you try to make your bed. That is not even on my list of things to accomplish anymore. :) Argghhhh to the projects. You are far more Super than I.

  6. just remember that nobody really cares if your bed is ever made, so let it go. Second, don't get involved in the school projects--let the boys do it themselves and you will be happier with the outcome. It's their project, not yours. They can do it! Love you! Went to Libby's grad party yesterday--so fun! Go Hornets!

  7. you will appreciate having written his down ten years from now. the days are long but the years are short. i am exhausted reading through your morning :o)

    btw- our costco still doesn't have the tortilla encrusted tilapia. grr! they have bail pesto and i do NOT like pesto.
