"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, December 5, 2011

Well why didn't you tell me that?

This morning Max woke up crabby...which isn't terribly unusual.  He is not a real morning guy, although he wakes up early, he is usually somewhat grumpy.  This morning was the same...he woke up crying.  I went in to get him and he told me to "Go, Go, Go" which is his way of telling us to GO AWAY.  So I left the room, Jack left the room and Max proceeded to cry in his crib.  I went back in a few minutes later and got the same response "Go, GO" with his hand pushing me away.  So I left the room...

During this time Jack and Drew squealed with delight from the kitchen.  Daddy had gotten donuts at Hyvee before he went on his week long trip to Chicago and had left them on the kitchen counter for the boys.  I could hear their excitement upstairs.

I once again, went in to see Max, who was STILL crying in his crib...I said "Max, Daddy got donuts...do you want one?" and miraculously the crying halted on a dime.  Max grabbed his blankie and looked at me and said "YEAH"...with his arms out reaching for me.

Hmmmm...it was almost as if he was thinking "well, why didn't you tell me there were donuts downstairs, I wouldn't have kept on crying if I had known that"....silly boy.  


  1. Sounds like another little boy I know. Mine always seems better when there is a sweet treat around too!

  2. Heeheehee... just shows they know exactly what they're doing, even at this age. Silly boy!
