"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ringing the bell, surprises and bows

Last night was our night that we went to ring the bell for Salvation Army, outside of Scheels...same place we always go.  Scott took the first shift 4-5:00 due to some bugs going around.  We came at 5:00 to help with the second shift.  As I was out there ringing the bell...I had to take a double take...because who did I see walking towards the kettle?  My MOM and my DAD  For those of you who need a reminder, they live in Minnesota, we live in Iowa.  So they don't normally just "run into us" anywhere.  I was speechless and shocked.  And I am NOT one who is easily surprised EVER.  How fun.  I think they knew it has been a rough couple of weeks for me and not to mention, today is my birthday.  Yep my 40th birthday at that.  So they wanted to be here when I woke up and turned 40.

Mom even brought my favorite birthday cake....so we celebrated my bday a little bit early last night with pizza. cake and ice cream at home.  It was perfect!

Yesterday I also had a dear friend, Makila, text me that she was dropping off a breakfast casserole for us to eat when it worked.  Sigh I have dear friends don't I?  We Mom's stick together and we just know when another needs a little extra support.  That casserole ended up being my birthday breakfast with my family here.

Yesterday we picked out a new car for me, yes my Suburban was totaled from the accident 2 weeks ago.  So we drove that home.  And I had been joking to Scott that we should put a big red bow on it and call it my 40th birthday gift and re-enact those Lexus commercials where people run outside to see their new cars with the bows.  Well guess what we did this morning, to the boys thrill.  They all led me outside to the driveway where the Suburban was with the big red bow on the front.  Makes it all feel a little bit better.  :)  Like the unplanned purchase of a car right now is actually a wonderful 40th Birthday gift for me.  :)  We took some pics as I looked stunned and surprised by it all.  :)

Mom and Dad left at 8 to drop the boys off at school and head to Wisconsin to pick up our oldest niece for her Christmas break...they are for sure road warriors.  Papa got some snuggling in with the boys while Drew played Christmas carols this morning.  So sweet.

So it is not even 9:00 am and my heart is full, what a blessed birthday it is....


  1. Love, love, love! Happy Birthday my dear friend. Love you.

  2. I love the family picture. :) Don't I tell you that every time? ltm.

  3. I had already heard about everything in this post, and I still got teary reading it. :)

  4. So wonderful you had such a great birthday! XOXOXO
