"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Best Birthday

Yesterday was one of the Best Birthday's I have ever had, and it was certainly the most simple one.  What does that tell you?  Simple is better..for me at least.

I woke up to having all of my boys home and my parents here.  We had breakfast casserole from Makila...and Scott ran and got donuts and hot chocolate for me.  It was perfect.  Quiet and calm.  They did the big car reveal, which wasn't so surprising but it was a fun way to turn something not so great into a good memory.

Mom and Dad took the boys to school and headed on their way.  Scott was home for the day.  He took me to the Doctor in the late morning...yep I have the same bug Max has bronchitis/pneumonia stuff.  Then home for Panera soup and a cat nap for Max and me.

I made my own birthday dinner, my favorite...homemade meatballs and spaghetti...what my Mom always made for me growing up on my birthday.  We had yummy homemade bread made by my dear friend Sarah...with honey butter.  Yum YUM.

The boys each wrote me a heart felt letter which was my request for birthday gifts...We watched some of the Ohio State basketball game, some of the Bethlehem Star Movie and Scott rented a movie for us to watch after the kids went to bed.  It was terrible so we turned it off after about 20 minutes. Scott made us chocolate sundaes my friend Ginnie dropped off HOMEMADE hot chocolate with, get this, HOMEMADE marshmallows.  Oh so yummy.  We watched the news...and headed to bed.

Calm and quiet just what I had asked for.  Not real fun to have no voice and a nasty cough for it and feeling crummy, but regardless it didn't really matter.  It's just how I wanted my 40th birthday to be. 


  1. Sad you had to be sick on your birthday, but glad that it was still the perfect day. Love you so much.
