"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, December 9, 2011

"I've noticed..."

Last night, Tommy, Jack, Max and I were in a car accident.  By the grace of God we were all okay.  The brunt of the accident hit my door and front left tire.  The boys were ALL on the right side of the car and buckled in.  So thankful today...so very thankful.  (and the other car was safe too)

So after 2 hours at the scene, the police report and waiting for the tow truck with my dear friend Shannon who came to my aid and my good neighbor Scott Davis picking up the boys...I was back home.  Of course, I called my Mom.  I always call my Mom...I mean always, call her daily with the not so important things and the important things.  Because she cares to hear them all...all she cared was that we were okay and safe.

This morning the phone rang around 6:45 am.  Jack was already up and in bed with me telling me about his advent lego of the day when she called.  He heard my end of the conversation.  When I hung up this is what he said that about made me cry...."I've noticed that your Mom still worries about you even when you are all grown up."....sigh.

First off so sweet he used the word "noticed" and second off so sweet he noticed how much my Mama loves me.  I told him Mom's always worry about their babies...it never ends.  And he smiled and hugged me again and said he was so glad we were all okay.

On a side note Scott was in Chicago all week for work.  I wasn't going to call him until it was all done and we were home, no need to worry him 6 hours away.  Well I didn't tell Tommy that and he texted Scott the minute our neighbor brought him home...here was his text to Dad at his dinner meeting "Dad, we were in a really bad car accident.  Mom hurt her head and shoulder really bad"....ummmm how do you think that drama played out at his meeting?  He immediately thought the worst, we were in a ditch somewhere, I was unconscious and couldn't text which is why Tommy was...you can see where this was going.  He called my phone several times in a row, I was on the phone with insurance so didn't beep over.  I finally had my friend Shannon call him from her phone to assure him we were fine.  Just fine.

He came home first thing this morning, was home by 10.  Wanted to drive last night and I told him absolutely NOT in this bad weather.  We didn't need 2 accidents in one night.

I just received a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers from my parents....sweet.

Grateful to God for his goodness in keeping us safe....so grateful.  


  1. So glad to hear you are all well. I can imagine what kind of panic that text put Scott in. If you need anything, please let me know.

  2. So glad you're all ok! How scary. Glad Shannon was there... Hugs.

  3. Oh my goodness I didn't know that Tommy did that! I am so glad you are all safe. You are blessed by Scott's love and the love of your parents. What a wonderful gift. :) Hugs to all. I am so glad you are all safe.

  4. I am so thankful you were all kept safe in the accident. So very thankful. Didn't know about Tommy's texts either. I'm sure that Scott was freaking out! Jack's comment is the sweetest thing ever. So true and so cute how he "noticed" that. Flowers from your parents are special and beautiful and I know meant so much to you. And VERY thankful that Scott is now home from his week in Chicago!

  5. Thankful you are all safe and so are the passengers of the other car! How scary!!!

  6. Hi, Susan - I'm thankful you are all okay. This kind of thng really does make us reflect about the "what ifs". It's so true about mom's. i had an accident myself last night and the first text I received this morning was from my mama!!

  7. SO, SO thankful you are all alright.Great reminder to continue to pray for our families' protection each and every day.
