"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heading North

Max and I are headed to Minnesota later today....

I have an appt tomorrow morning at Mayo Clinic.  You can pray for all to be fine.  It is really a second opinion for an issue I have had for 5 years.  It is called a pituitary adenoma Basically in non medical jargin it's a benign tumor that resides in my Pituitary Gland.  It was found 5 years ago by accident...they were scanning my brain due to an allergic reaction I was having to a medication and there it was.  It could have been here all of my life and we never knew.  Mine is not producing hormones, or messing with my hormone levels at this time.  So it's pretty much just "there".  The main problem would come if it grows larger and pushes on my optic nerves which would, in turn, majorly affect my vision.  So between the MRI's, endocrine work and the Eye tests I am required to take I think we have been following it well.  The time they found it my endocrine system seemed out of whack, and so after trials with different steroids etc we decided a few years ago, Scott and I and our vast medical knowledge, it was time to go off of ALL medicines and just see if things would settle down in my body.  No more hormones, no more steroids, no pills of any kind.   AND it worked!  My levels went back to normal, and the tumor stabilized.  ...oh and as a side bonus and in God's greater plan and Jack's bigger prayers Max came along too.  :)

So I will meet with Mayo Doctors tomorrow to see what their thoughts are...we would like to push back surgery as many years as possible due to it being located in my brain.  And we will go to Mayo when it is time for the surgery.  The recovery is quite long too, so we want to wait as many years as possible.  If God wills it to be long we will be thrilled.

Then after that fun stuff...we will go back to Edina for a couple of days.  And then Saturday head to Benson for my Grandma's 90th Birthday PART----AYYYYY!  It will be wonderful to celebrate her.  She is such a blessing in our lives.

So better get packing and organized around here...maybe even shower.  :)

love to all...thanks for the prayers


  1. Just prayed and will pray tomorrow.Have fun celebrating with your grandma.

  2. Will be praying and am so sad we are going out of town and will miss you.

  3. Praying for no growth, no needed surgery and that all is fine. Hope you have fun with your family and celebrating your grandma.:)
