"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bucket List

We have been busy trying to cram in the "Summer Bucket List" for the boys.  They had several things they wanted to be sure and get done this summer and I have left it to the very end to get them all done it seems.  We have been gone so much this summer that it's been tough but I think we are about there...

Scott was out of town this week so that made it even a little bit trickier to get it all done.

Monday...Pizza Lunch out at Red Rossa Brick Oven pizza...yum  I think we went to the pool in the afternoon for awhile as well.

Tuesday...the big boys and I went to an ICubs baseball game.  We share season tickets and Scott usually takes the 3 bigs while I stay home with the little.  But when I saw the weather forecast for THIS Tuesday I decided I could handle another ball game.  I got a sitter for little Max and the rest of us went.  We had a great time together.  (Scott's running joke that he tells friends is that I don't go to games unless there is someone on the team with SHISLER on their jersey...meaning we have enough sporting events between our boys that I don't usually choose to go to MORE games than that...quite true)

 We got a ball...

 The Chicken was there entertaining us all...but no one laughed harder than...

 ...Jack!  He thought the Chicken was "hilarious"

 What's a ball game without at least ONE trip to the concession stand?

Wednesday....once I again I hired a babysitter and left Max and Jack as well this time and Tommy, Drew and I went to play 9 holes of golf.  I haven't played for 2 years, I will say my game hasn't changed much since.  VERY inconsistent...sometimes a beautiful shot, and other times a very ugly shot.   But it was fun and the snack shack was wonderful. :) I certainly have been passed up in skills though.  And of course I had looked at the weather before I made the tee time and it was a lovely 78 degree start to our golf game.  

Before our round...yes we took a cart.  I am more of a softy than their Dad and thought we should ride in a cart.  Tommy and Drew loved taking turns driving it too.

Thursday....In Ames there is a place called "Perfect Games" we went last summer with friends right before school started.  This year I had the boys hop in the car for a "surprise ride" and off we went.  They asked for a clue and I told them we had to stop for gas and at the station there would be a clue.  We drove for a bit then pulled off for gas and while Tommy and Drew were pumping gas they saw Miss Emily pull up with baby Blakely along...Drew's response "that is the BEST clue EVER Mom"...our boys LOVE their Miss Emily.  And they also knew that meant we would be heading back to Perfect Games to meet Ross for lunch (he works in Ames) and some games and laser tag, this year Blakely was along too.  We had a great time.  They are like family to us, so it was so fun.

 Excuse the freaky eyes, it's the iphone camera in a dark room.  Getting ready for game 1 of laser tag.  

 Max was perfectly thrilled with the little kid basketball game. The best part, it was FREE!

 The whole crew.
 Drew snuggling Blakley

Jack loving on Blakely...I didn't get a picture of Tommy kissing sweet baby girl.  But trust me she does NOT lack for affection from these boys.  Max just wants to pat her and kiss her too.

Friday...Scott is back home and he and Jack just snuck off to the Iowa State Fair late this afternoon.  Scott takes each of the boys for time alone at the fair.  They opted to match too.  :) (once again weird eyes due to my iphone, I was holding a sleeping baby while I snapped this)

And now for some rambling...

Tomorrow we will go to the fair as a family.  The high is 78 which is MY kind of fair weather.  We will be down there first thing in the morning, so hopefully we will avoid any possible heat.  :)  I live in a house of morning people, so trust me when I say we will be there FIRST thing.

Whew...I still need to fill you in on our DC trip but that will have to wait for another day.

Max turned 19 months old yesterday and I didn't get a post written about his latest tricks.

 School starts on Wednesday, the boys got their class lists last night...we have had the supplies ready for quite some time. The boys all have new tennis shoes...that's the beauty of boys, there are no "new school outfits", no new hair accessories, no big debates on "the First day of school outfit"...it's all about new tennis shoes and that's it.  :)  Football has started for Tommy, Drew and Jack both start next week.  We will soon be in our fall routine.  I LOVE routines, I am the queen of loving routine and order...so I am looking forward to that. Not to mention this HOUSE is in dire need of organization and order.   But I will miss having them home and having the freedom to do what we want each day.

On a sad note, Drew's hamster "Beanie" was found dead this morning.  Drew was sad, but not terribly.  When his first hamster "Scruffy" died a couple of years ago THAT was trauma, this wasn't nearly as bad. I feel badly for Drew, he is a true animal lover.

And so on we go....there is ALWAYS something.

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