"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Very Own Bookclub

So I am wanting to read more, I am the ultimate writers dream, I buy their book with GREAT anticipation and can't WAIT to read it.  I read the first chapter, maybe two...then it sits on my night stand, and sits and sits.  And now with electronic books they sit on my ipad waiting for me.  I have never been in a bookclub, and certainly don't have the time to do one at this stage in my life...but I can have my very own book club simply by reading more.  I am determined, now that the boys are back in school, to be better about my reading.  My only time to read is after the boys are all in bed.  I often times use that time to fold laundry, watch TV, catch up on Tivo shows, read blogs that lead me to other blogs which lead me to more blogs or check facebook.

I want to do less of all of that, especially the laundry part haha...and more reading. (don't get me wrong I will still be reading my favorite blogs) BUT I am determined to get these books that are now filling my dresser and my ipad read.  Sadly the other day a friend sent me to a link for a New Book and I said, that sounds familiar and as I was reading the details about it on Amazon I realized...hmmm I have that book.  Sadly that happens to me often....I must read more.

So I am going to start a list of my books on the ride sidebar of my blog, if I can figure that out.  These are all books that I currently have on my nightstand, in my nightstand drawers or on my ipad...and as I read them.  I will cross them off, once again if I can figure that out.  Because after all, I love lists and even more than loving lists....I love CROSSED OFF lists!!!!  The books will not be listed in any particular order, I am just going to pull all of the ones off of my nightstand and put them down.  Other than my bible and my daily devotional book on my nightstand which would be silly to list on the blog....other than I could cross them off daily.  :)

Please don't recommend any more books for me until I get these read or I will get side tracked... Just kidding.  I will get side tracked all by myself without any of your help.  And I want to keep the writers writing....


  1. Only one I've read is The Help and I LOVED it. Good luck and enjoy!

  2. Love to read, too. I go in spurts. My "to read" stack is ginormous.

    I love Tim Kimmel! 1/2 way through Tim Tebow's book. Want to get Ed Thomas' book. Saw his sons and wife on an ESPN interview. Super impressive! Chip Ingram, also a fav.

    I will cheer you on in your reading adventure.

  3. I totally did just lol! Seems like I should have read this post *before* I just recommended *another* book to you! Ha!

  4. Um, I want to read some on your list! When you are done, let me know which are actual books, and I will come get them! :)

  5. Just one request- let us know if they are any good or not :) I am always looking for a good read!!!

  6. Great idea. I always have a pile of 4-5 books that I am reading and now that school is back in session I am going to get back on track...but my goal this year is to study Hebrew and Arabic...I would really like to understand the Old Testament better, which of course, is a lifelong work in progress, but it is a start!

  7. What a great list of books but it tires me out just thinking of digesting all of that great wealth of wisdom.Love the accountability of posting on your blog.Thanks for being transparent.

  8. I love to read and often struggle with finding the time too. It's definitely "YOU" time!!!
